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  1. Have you solved this issue completely ?. Did it happen again after you restart app
  2. Hi, I got this same problem. How do you solve it ?
  3. I tried del app, update lastest version, reboot controller but it doesn't work
  4. Hi guys. We got issue when using control4 in IOs. When we opened app, it showed this error: "Unable to validate your account. Please check email and password and try again (401)" . Our account was validated and subscribed 4sight license. We must re-login to use app. In recently days, whenever opening app, we got this issue and so annoying to use app. Anyone got this issue and how to solve this . Thanks in advance.
  5. Because our customer also wants to use TV speaker when he watch news. So sad, he didn't buy C4 remote
  6. Thank you. So I must have solution for our customer: if they want to use TV sound and C4 system speakers, turn on TV from C4 app. If they want to use only TV speaker, turn on from TV remote.
  7. Hi guys, I just checked account customers statics in my.control4.com. I have some questions about them - What is "Controller type" meaning ? We registered 2 controllers in Ovrc, but one controller is noted with "Licensed controller", another is "Home controller" ( I send attached images) I don't know which difference between them. - In Remote Status column, we have projects with red X, yellow check mark in IA, and green check mark in AA. What does "IA/AA" stand for, and which difference between icons Do anyone kindly explain these question for me. Thank you guys
  8. Hi guys, I'm using IP control driver to control Samsung TV. It works well and it can send power state feedback if I turn on TV from C4 system. However, there is no power states feedback if I turn on/off TV from other source outside C4 such as TV remote. My practice is whenever turn on TV included from TV remote, I can do something with TV. I tried to Power states variable, but it didn't work when turn on TV from TV remote. Do you guys know how to get TV power states in C4 system ?. Thank you so much Sorry for my bad English.
  9. Hi guys, I just updated Control4 app ver 324.27.0 for my Ipad, but I got this issue. App just showed device feedback and can't control anything. I tested Control4 app in my Samsung smartphone, it works well, nothing happen. Do you guys got this issue, and how to solve it ?
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