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  1. To me Pakedge seems like the "Monster Cable" of networking hardware. As a computer engineer, successful startup founder, and someone who runs his own home network... the Ubiquiti stuff seems higher end, slicker UI, and higher functionality than Pakedge. I've been running Ubiquity for 10+ years.. in one home with 5 APs (one meshed to the pool-mechanical room), the other home with 8 APs and dual wan on an edgerouter 4. Both running SmartQueue / Codel for amazing multi-user low-latency. We just moved to a house with a pakedge system installed (8 APs).. and it had bad wifi packet loss. Turns out the problem is the pakedge 5g radios are all on a single channel (according to my trusty android network analyzer), but the NK1 thinks they are on different channels (firmware is all updated). I spent a little time trying to debug it, but the NK1 interface was too slow and awkward, and nothing I tried had any affect on the AP channels.. I'm a big fan of ubiquity, and don't trust software with glitches like this, so I just ordered up the stuff I like and am going to replace the Pakedge APs shortly. For now I'm keeping the Pakedge router, because it has all the home-automation config. The UI on the RK1 router seems fine, and certainly easier to use than the direct edgerouter-4 UI. However, I can't find any support for Codel .. and for me this is a must-have because it has such a positive effect on interactive latency when there are many users pounding the network with video streaming and video conferencing. (such as my kids distance learning) And BTW, the reason I run my own home network is that I notice glitchy networks, have no tolorance for them, and it takes me less time to fix them than to schedule and discuss it with field techs. If I wasn't installing my own hardware, I would be glad to have an installer charge the same margin on a Ubiquity install (with config fees), I get a better product, and a lower total price. Why would I be upset about that?
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