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UKmatC last won the day on November 22 2020

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  1. Just to update all that the Room Control driver half worked. It still seemed to limit me to output to only x4 rooms (from x2 different sources), however, I am using this in conjunction with Hub -> Digital Media -> Add Rooms (e.g. "Add Rooms 'Kitchen, Ensuite, Dressing Room' to Bedroom 3 session"). That seems to let me add as many rooms as I want. Thanks, all!
  2. Many thanks, all. I appreciate the quick feedback. Media Scenes sounds like an available solution to me; however, I've pinged my rep and requested the Room Control drivers to be added to all rooms with audio, as this sounds like the best solution for me. Once up & running, I will report back with the (hopefully positive) results. Mat.
  3. Hi all, Can anyone advise how I can program, via Composer Home edition, a room speaker to turn on & play the audio of another room (e.g. when you have existing audio playing and in the C4 app you click on the '+' icon to add another room)? Given the limitations of my C4 audio matrix (4x4), I cannot simply program to add the individual sources to play in each room separately, and therefore need to replicate the '+' room/speaker option that we have within the C4 App. What I have tried; - Select the channel "Storybook Forest" in Bedroom 3 (media plays fine) - Set Kitchen -> CURRENT_SELECTED_DEVICE to the value of Bedroom 3->CURRENT_SELECTED_DEVICE (this doesn't work. Kitchen speakers are not added/turned on). I have asked my local dealer, but he doesn't know how to do this via Composer Home, and mentioned that he would have to add a 'join room' module (or something like that; I can't remember the exact name). I would have thought that this should be possible within Composer Home. Many thanks, Mat.
  4. I had issues posting at the beginning of the month - all my posts (including responses) would duplicate and then be deleted. I've just been advised that the issue is now resolved. This response will be a test of that.
  5. Thanks, Gary. Appreciate the clarifications! In this case, if you cannot use the Texecom App, I guess there is no advantage over connecting via the cheaper Com-IP (~£100).
  6. Thanks, Gary. Does this mean you have no rs232 or Com-IP, but you can still connect the Smartcom to Control4? Do you have any guide that you can share on your set-up? Many thanks, Mat.
  7. Hi Philip, Thanks very much for the above advice. Thankfully I hadn't made any purchases yet, so I was able to go back to my dealer to clarify. Apparently my dealer did know this - it was just a case of miscommunication. He did mentioned that the ComIP alone would work, but the trade off of not also having the Smartcom is that any alerts would come through Control4 push notifications (via 4Sight) only, and no longer through the alarm (via text), but I would be happy with that. It's a shame that the RS232 is no longer supported, as this worked well and also allowed the alarm to still send SMS messages (in addition to the Control4 push notifications). Apparently Texecom have been promising to make their own driver for this for many years now. Thanks very much for your clarifications & advise. Mat.
  8. Hello, I have a Texecom Premier 48, which was connected to my Control4 (via "rs232 connection"?). I could access my alarm panel via my C4 app, and had some switches programmed to arm my alarm. However, since the update from Control4 OS v2 to v3, I have lost this connection / functionality (my dealer gave it a go, managed to re-add the alarm panel to my app, but couldn't get it to connect (it just shows as 'offline' within the C4 app). My dealer has since advised that I need to purchase the Texecom Smartcom (£170 fitted), plus the Texecom ComIP (plus another £115). It's pretty disappointing to have to spend another ~£300 to keep my alarm connected to C4. Can I enquire if there has been (or if there will be) any updates to this "rs232 connection" / Texecom driver(s) that would enable me to reconnect my Texecom Premier 48 (without the need to purchase the Smartcom and ComIP)? Much appreciated, Mat.
  9. Hi, I also have the Texecom Premier 48 (and the digital Yale lock with C4 interface!), although my Texecom driver stopped working since the C4 OS upgrade (from v2 to v3). My dealer now advises that I need to purchase the Texecom Smartcom (£170 fitted), plus the Texecom ComIP (another £115). This is pretty disappointing to have to spend another ~£300 to keep my alarm connected to C4. Can I ask if you had similar issues, or already had the Smartcom & ComIP? Much appreciated, Mat.
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