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Everything posted by bdonohoe

  1. It does show all lights. Home Assistant does not treat switches and lights as the same thing (hence their helper to turn a switch into a light).
  2. I tried that, but it only shows "light.*" devices. I'm trying to add a "switch.*" type device. I suppose I could use a helper in HA to change the device type. Just curious why the Chowmain driver doesn't support switches directly as switches.
  3. Hey Alan, This driver is fantastic. It's dramatically improving the reliability and performance of my hybrid Control4/Home Assistant-controlled home. One question: why is "Home Assistant Switch" an Experience Button instead of a switch? I have a switch that I'd like to include in lighting scenes or bind to a keypad button, but Experience Buttons can't do either of those things (AFAIK).
  4. Eventually Control4 just decided it could read the USB stick after all. Later I rebooted and it couldn't read it again. But then again I left it alone for a few days and eventually it kicked in again. It's frustrating to have such a flaky system that can't survive a reboot, but that's what I've come to expect from C4.
  5. Hm. I did that, but I plugged the USB back in after rebooting. Lemme try again and make sure I match that sequence…
  6. Yep, I’ve rebooted the controller multiple times. There’s no secondary controller. Just the one primary. I’ve ticked the SMB and SNMP boxes in Windows too.
  7. Anybody have any ideas about this beyond deleting and re-adding the agent? I've got the same problem, but I've deleted, rebooted, and re-added the agent about ten times to no avail. I've tried three different USB sticks (all SanDisk, but different sizes, different USB versions, etc.) Nothing seems to make any difference. I can copy MP3's to these same USB sticks using Composer, so it doesn't seem like it's really a problem with reading or writing the USB sticks. It's only Screensaver that's having trouble.
  8. +1 demand for this plugin. I was going to use the web events driver to connect C4 to HomeKit this weekend, but now I think I'll just wait for your driver!
  9. Thanks for your kind words, Kevin. My first name is Brendan. I've got a short list of articles I've been planning to write since I wrote that first one. Just need to find the time! One small note I need to add to that article: when the schedule runs to change the light levels between day/night mode, I check to see if the light is already on. If it is, I don't change the level. That leaves it set so the next tap will go to 100%, but turning the light off will still reset it to the lower level. It's a little thing, but it makes the behavior work the same 100% of the time.
  10. I wrote a blog post about doing exactly that kind of thing a while back: http://www.c4cookbook.com/recipes/2015/9/20/setting-lower-light-levels-at-night The gist of it, for your purposes, is you set the preset level to what you want, then any time the light itself turns on, you change the preset level to 100%. When it turns off, you reset it to 25% (or whatever). Those changes are tied to the light on/off events, so that it doesn't matter how the light is turned on. I then combine that with variables for different levels at different times of day and get lights that always turn on at an appropriate level and can always be turned up to 100% with a second tap.
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