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  1. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from Neo1738 in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    I think we should all just walk away from this thread...

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  2. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from South Africa C4 user in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    I think we should all just walk away from this thread...

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  3. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from tdougray in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    I think we should all just walk away from this thread...

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  4. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from Brownbatsbreath in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    I think we should all just walk away from this thread...

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  5. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from Tokead in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    I think we should all just walk away from this thread...

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  6. Like
    msgreenf reacted to eggzlot in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    usually being true, got it.  following the logical approach here - a majority of people on this site do not have access to the KB so following your logic a majority of people on this site are trying to take away from the livelihood of C4 dealers.  I've paid handsomely to dealers on and off this forum over the last 5 years.
    Since you seem to have this knowledge, riddle me this - why do C4 dealers come here for free on their own accord to offer up help and advice?  Not all are remote dealers "marketing" their brand to get new business.  Some here literally do it for free, for nothing in return.
  7. Like
    msgreenf reacted to eggzlot in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    one of the first posts you said you didnt have access to the KB - that was enough that those on here should know you aren't a dealer
    Don't let one bad apple ruin the bunch.
  8. Like
    msgreenf reacted to cdepaola in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    Ok... Generally I've been fairly quiet for the last year and mostly just reading the threads watching for new C4 stuff or other interesting 3rd party items, and or ideas. 
    But I had to pop in and post before slinking back into the shadows...  Are you always this nasty to people and are you yourself a dealer, hopefully not mine if you are... I ask because many of your posts trend towards not so nice. The OP said he just upgraded, didn't say he did it and didn't say he didn't do it.  I think most of us assumed he upgraded via his dealer who didn't inform him of possible issues, conflicts, or loss of functionality.  Believe it or not, not every dealer is amazing and covers these things.  Sometimes a client calls and says they want to upgrade and so the dealer upgrades them, no questions asked. 
    Yes you can read this thread and come to possible conclusions but why? What purpose does it serve outside of trolling someone. I'm sure I'll get accused of doing the same thing but if you look at my past posts you'll see that my MO is generally the same. There is no reason to be mean, nasty, ignorant, or otherwise to people.  
    With that said, back to the shadows and maybe someday I'll just learn to keep my mouth shut. 
  9. Like
    msgreenf reacted to RobbieF in Camera driver with different snapshot url than rtsp?   
    @msgreenf Let me know when this is ready, as I would like to add my Unifi Protect Cameras to Control4, and also implement a Generic Image URL driver for OS 3 Push Notifications
  10. Like
    msgreenf reacted to therockhr in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
  11. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Cyknight in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    Assuming you're a dealer..
    That said it shouldn't surprise ANYONE that bothers to check before updating from a one major revision to the next. Heaven forbid you check release notes before updating 🙄
  12. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from LollerAgent in Best Ring driver?   
    There is only one ring events driver. That is from blackwire design. It doesn't support video. Only events.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  13. Like
    msgreenf reacted to LollerAgent in Can you downgrade 3.0 to 2.10?   
    Yeah,  BUT it was in nearly every review (and I assume the release notes) that I read about 3.0.. literally, everyone has been talking about it.
  14. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from South Africa C4 user in OS3.0 Comments and Shairbridge   
    Renamer still works

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  15. Upvote
    msgreenf got a reaction from sonic30101 in Control4 for MAC   
    Being a mac nut doesn't have to make you anti Android! Mac and Android user here!

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  16. Like
    msgreenf reacted to knowitall in Composer 3.0   
    This thread is amazing  
    My project has been running a 250 since the license shipped with it (5/2013?) I got one of the first ones. The only time it’s been off is because I moved, power went out longer than my backup lasted, or I manually reset it. I have not had ANY other tech device longer, expect my PS3 and NES. 6 years of flawless operation, upgrades and additions (adding labor to it with IP drivers and new proxy’s) 
    i have no reason to get rid of my 250.  I do, however happen to have a leftover EA1 which I may upgrade to this weekend.  
    Long Live C4 (and my 10” T3!)
  17. Like
    msgreenf reacted to jakblak in Composer 3.0   
    Stating that “There is nothing revolutionary or evolutionary about that function” tells me that you have some in-depth knowledge about Control4 hardware and software that I’m not aware of.  I know that what C4 does may seem trivial and could easily be done on hardware as simple as a Raspberry PI but I assure you, it is not.
    Having worked at Control4 for over a decade, I’ve been in many meetings where product managers are desperately trying to figure out how to NOT deprecate hardware.  Sometimes the problem is limited engineering resources and sometimes it is the result of hardware limitations that can’t be overcome.  
    I can confidently tell you that the decision to deprecate hardware is never taken lightly and has never been done with the intent to sell something new and better.
  18. Upvote
    msgreenf got a reaction from Luke in Composer 3.0   
    list navigator on remote
  19. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from HRT in Composer 3.0   
    Cause people are frugal. And want to get the most life out of their gear

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  20. Upvote
    msgreenf got a reaction from ARDU in Composer 3.0   
    That is the only thing

    Sent from my BBF100-2 using Tapatalk

  21. Like
    msgreenf reacted to ARDU in Composer 3.0   
    Agreed.  It is a business.  It's progress.....
  22. Like
    msgreenf reacted to RyanE in Composer 3.0   
    Investing time and effort into supporting another platform just for the on-screen on the HC800 would be a fools errand.
    If you want to pay for it yourself, feel free to hire a software team and go for it.

  23. Upvote
    msgreenf got a reaction from ARDU in Composer 3.0   
    never said there was, but at the same time the company has to make money...
  24. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from RyanE in Composer 3.0   
    You shouldn't. It's not recommend

    Sent from my BBF100-2 using Tapatalk

  25. Like
    msgreenf reacted to ARDU in Composer 3.0   
    ....and there is nothing wrong with wanting that.  Don't get me wrong, most people want to get the most out of the stuff they buy, me included.  Its when useful electronic lifespan meets latest and greatest software, then something has to give.  In the case of OS 3, it's C4's right to EOL their products even if they are still useful.   Humans will always see the cynical side as forcing customers to upgrade hardware to get the latest software.   There is probably truth on each side of the legacy hardware vs latest software argument, based on what has been said in last 18 pages of this thread....  In the end, it is still a business and seems this was a business decision.  You cannot make everyone happy all the time.  That is impossible.  You also don't have to upgrade and your existing system as it will still work, until eventual hardware failure forces the upgrade on you. 
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