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  1. Like
    msgreenf reacted to thegreatheed in New Apple TV 4k IP driver out today   
    I don't know if I ever saw an official announcement, but just think about it. The new driver is the new supported method from Apple. It requires the customer's iOS device to link to the iOS account. If you don't think Apple has a stranglehold over what can and can't support that... you're not paying attention.

    Apple likes their walls around their garden. For better and for worse. Good security, frustrating third-party integration.
  2. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from thegreatheed in New Apple TV 4k IP driver out today   
    Right - it is all on Apple - but hey, come here and blame control4 half cocked and then you are on a beta OS - so clearly control4 should work on betas without issues....Look in the mirror...
  3. Like
    msgreenf reacted to thegreatheed in New Apple TV 4k IP driver out today   
    Or a Roku. The Roku integration is fantastic.
  4. Like
    msgreenf reacted to thegreatheed in New Apple TV 4k IP driver out today   
    This kind of forced obsolescence should result in you leaving Apple, not Control4, because this is entirely Apple's fault.
  5. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Cyknight in Composer 3.0   
    This exactly. I wish the DS had all the features of it's follow up had, but it didn't and so it got surpassed by other devices. C4 in turn reacted by bringing out an option that could do all of those features, and knock it out of the park. Instead of reinventing the wheel, they went with a very reputable company, worked with them and brought out the DS2 and DS mini.
    We now have a unit that has rock solid remote AND local intercom, is able to be connected and feed a camera security system with it's camera and integrates flawlessly to Control4 for all features, not to mention has keypad, RFID and other options that can be added (well, on the DS2, not the mini).
    Again, I don't LIKE that it played out the way it did, but I can't change history.
  6. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from thegreatheed in Composer 3.0   
    That's fine. Call it arrogant. But no one is forcing upgrades. I think I can honestly say all my customers are happy. But that doesn't mean I'm for everyone. I'm ok w that. I pick my customers. Call that arrogant too. That's ok. I'm lucky. I can pick customers.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  7. Like
    msgreenf reacted to JoelC in OS3 app on kindle fire   
    Sorry for the delay in response. The app will technically work on Kindle Fire tablets, the issue is that the Amazon store is filtering it from being visible for those devices. We have identified the issue, and we have a fix. The fix is currently going through validation. Once we feel confident that the fix doesn't break other areas of the app we will release it. 
  8. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Shivam Paw in Text to Speech Driver (Web Interface, Control4 App, Voice Messages & More)   
    The driver is now released on BlackWire Designs!
    This Text to Speech driver lets you send announcements around your Control4 system with a few taps!
    You can use our built in web interface to type your own message, use our Control4 “Listen” service to
    type in a message right from your Control4 app, or use Composer programming to execute announcements
    when you want!
    Media service integration Web interface Use variables in programming Google Cloud & VoiceRSS Text to Speech Engines Modify speed & language for TTS Engines %date% and %time% values manipulated Last message variable I hope you like it  
    Please note this is a separate driver to the early "freebie". You shouldn't update the existing one if you are using it; instead you should add this as a new driver.
  9. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Shivam Paw in Text to Speech Driver (Web Interface, Control4 App, Voice Messages & More)   
    Let's not turn this into one of those please...
    The driver will be available on BlackWire Designs.
  10. Like
    msgreenf reacted to ILoveC4 in Text to Speech Driver (Web Interface, Control4 App, Voice Messages & More)   
    My biggest issues are that they won't let ME buy drivers, and that my "DriverCentral" driver appears to be tied to one particular DriverCentral dealer, that I'm then forced to work with on anything I want from DriverCentral. I've got someone that has helped me with the one DriverCentral driver I have (which I was forced in to by Alan Chow leaving Houselogix and going over there) but I don't like it being dependent on any one specific person.
  11. Like
    msgreenf reacted to jfh in Text to Speech Driver (Web Interface, Control4 App, Voice Messages & More)   
    To add to this I don’t like not having access to or control over the licenses I’ve paid for.  The licenses should be associated with the project owner not the dealer.  I should be able to login into the drivercentral site and see what my dealer sees when it comes to my licenses.
  12. Like
    msgreenf reacted to South Africa C4 user in Text to Speech Driver (Web Interface, Control4 App, Voice Messages & More)   
    I’d be really excited to see @Shivam Paw starting to write paid for drivers... he has released a few really cool freebies over the last few weeks and if he starts concentrating on this and selling them then I think we could see some exciting new drivers!
  13. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from chopedogg88 in Composer 3.0   

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  14. Downvote
    msgreenf got a reaction from digitaltrader in Composer 3.0   
    that logic seems flawed - every IOT company is driven by hardware sales...
  15. Like
    msgreenf reacted to eggzlot in Composer 3.0   
    My friend drives a McLaren which is one of his 6-7 cars.   When I asked him for his opinion on cars when I was shopping he didn’t mention a McLaren. He knows I’m not their target customer. I’d love to own one though. But it’s not for me
    C4 isn’t for everyone. Their target is not mass market. 
  16. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Brownbatsbreath in Composer 3.0   
    Eh, that kind of makes the point for C4 tho, right?
    If they make the old equipment work on 3.0, you’re not really going to need to buy any new equipment are you? So they spend resources on keeping old products usable.. with what return? Making 12 dudes on a forum a little less pissy for awhile? I mean I guess...
    So now they EOL it and you say you won’t buy anymore products... Cool, they didn’t waste resources and got the same result. 
    In one thread C4 sucks because they aren’t making any money. So now they make a prudent business decision and they suck for it.... Okay.  
  17. Like
    msgreenf reacted to eggzlot in Composer 3.0   
    I don’t have pro.  I’m not whining.  When I purchased C4 I did my homework and knew the limitations.  So why cry and complain?  It was not forced on me.  Savant was 100% locked and 5 years ago (and still feel today) no DIY platform was robust enough for my needs.  
    People C4 isnt a government mandated system where you have no choice.  You either picked it or moved to a place with it and decided to roll with it.  Feel free to rip it out whenever you want.  
  18. Like
    msgreenf reacted to OceanDad in Composer 3.0   
    Would it really have been that hard for C4 to have designed something shiny and new that at least fitted the old back box dimensions ?  I'll bet that there would be more upgrades going on over the next few months if they had.  I completely agree with the argument that nothing 'stopped working' with the release of OS3 - just stay with 2.10 and carry on.  But it would make custom installs a lot easier to upgrade if the footprint was the same size.
    Let's be honest - C4 door stations/intercom/locks have always been a bit flaky.  I'd go further and say that the competing hardware in this area isn't great either.  None of these solutions are worthy of 2019 generation tech.  Still waiting for the killer integration here - reliable, high res, non-laggy, good phone integration, works well remotely, simple to use etc.
  19. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Brownbatsbreath in Composer 3.0   
    I have fuses and want to upgrade to arc fault breakers, why do I need a whole new panel, feeders, meter socket, conduit, and weather head???
    If C4 just shut down your ancient door station out of the blue, I’d totally agree with you.... but it still works. Old equipment just doesn’t magically support new features. You clowns can cry about ‘oh they didn’t even try’ as if they can magically ‘try harder’ and old hardware will suddenly achieve new things.. but it doesn’t work that way. 
    Did you really install a door station into a custom home and not think... gee.. this won’t last forever... what do I do after that? 
  20. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Cyknight in Composer 3.0   
    Wow jump to conclusions much lately?
    BUT IT DIDN'T STOP WORKING. You just can't upgrade to the next software version with it.
  21. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from Brownbatsbreath in Composer 3.0   
    That's fine. Call it arrogant. But no one is forcing upgrades. I think I can honestly say all my customers are happy. But that doesn't mean I'm for everyone. I'm ok w that. I pick my customers. Call that arrogant too. That's ok. I'm lucky. I can pick customers.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  22. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Neo1738 in Composer 3.0   
    I'm not a C4 dealer and from an outside perspective from what I have seen everyone is blaming the dealers on here and C4. Again, go pick up your 8 year old cell phone and see if it updates to the latest iOS or Android with full functionality. Technology is developing so fast at it's current rate it can't help be outdated in 5 years. If the company decides a device will cause problems with an update they have every right to EOL it. I get that this is expensive technology but it doesn't change the fact of how old it is and that at the time it was pretty cutting edge. Additionally, this thread was supposed to be about features for the new 3.0 but all I keep seeing is people complaining that something was rightfully EOL. Then the most people who are most helpful on the forum are being attacked as if they are the ones who made the decision. Look at my posts, I'm a pretty even headed guy on here but enough is enough. People are unhappy with the decision great, but don't rag on the dealers who are trying to explain why it's not a crazy thing for technology to get out dated so quickly this day in age. 
  23. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Shivam Paw in Text to Speech Driver (Web Interface, Control4 App, Voice Messages & More)   
    I've just finished creating a Text to Speech driver with all sorts of support for how you can get your messages announced!
    Setup is super simple. Follow the documentation and I've timed it at under 2 minutes!
    The ways you can use the driver are through programming text (and variables) to be spoken out; through it's built in web interface (which allows you to choose a custom port [for port forwarding]), through the Listen menu where you just need to enter the text you wish to be announced!
    Media service integration Voice messages (PA system) Multi room support Web interface Use variables in programming Google Cloud & VoiceRSS Text to Speech Engines Modify speed & language for TTS Engines %date% and %time% values manipulated Last message variable  
    Driver Download: https://drivercentral.io/platforms/control4-drivers/text-to-speech-driver/
    I hope you like it!
    Driver Images

  24. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from C4junkie in Composer 3.0   
    No your the crazy one for saying you are leaving, being banned, changing names and coming back but trying to pretend you aren't who you are.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

  25. Like
    msgreenf reacted to eggzlot in Composer 3.0   
    Right on!  The problem is with the worldwide Illuminati and the HDMI cartel that are out to get us
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