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    msgreenf got a reaction from SMHarman in PSA: Apple TV tvOS 13 killed my remote programming   
    yup - rock solid and watch --> Apps on your remote doesn't get any better!  Especially if you are just using Netflix, Hulu and the likes, no advantages of ATV
  2. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from SMHarman in PSA: Apple TV tvOS 13 killed my remote programming   
    Roku... Roku...
  3. Like
    msgreenf reacted to South Africa C4 user in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    Sorry Mitch, you are wrong this time... It is brought up every 5 or 6 weeks!
  4. Like
    msgreenf reacted to eggzlot in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    I still think they have a LOOOONG way to go to max out the higher end.  Especially globally.  There is more new wealth in Asia and other areas where C4 is not nearly as established as it is in the US.  There is also the commercial space - today's Instagram post by C4 is about a hotel in Hawaii.  After hotels - maybe MDU's.  Maybe Hospitals.  Board rooms.  Places where Crestron reigns supreme but there is certainly room for competition in those markets.
    Maybe C4 does not want to target the big box store/mass sale market.  Does that mean they are going belly up?
  5. Like
    msgreenf reacted to -defunct- in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    They find new customers and lose old customers 😉
    For real though, that's standard. Can't appease every single customer.
  6. Like
    msgreenf reacted to eggzlot in New Remotes Inbound.....   
    but where's the fun in that?  
  7. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from Time2Jet in MyQ driver stopped working yesterday   
    I tell everyone the deal before I sell it. It's a customer's decision at the end of the day. But I give them all the info they need to make an informed decision
  8. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from eggzlot in MyQ driver stopped working yesterday   
    I tell everyone the deal before I sell it. It's a customer's decision at the end of the day. But I give them all the info they need to make an informed decision
  9. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Cyknight in New Remotes Inbound.....   
    Yep, yet people want their smart homes to last 20 years without having to upgrade anything.
    For better or worse, right or wrong, the two things aren't the same.
  10. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Brownbatsbreath in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    Someone needs to make a ‘Composer Pro for end users’ bingo card. 
    Only took 3 pages to get the usual favorites such as:
    Just charge people for it!
    I’m an engineer!
    Control4 doesn’t need to support it!
    Composer Pro is easy!
    Composer Pro is hard!
    Control4 could easily provide support!
    Dealers won’t make small changes for me!
    I program other things, I could figure it out!
    Car analogy.
    This would hurt dealers!
    This would help dealers!
    Car analogy again.
    Lurton does it!
    Make end users pay for a class!
    Only 20 people in the world want Pro!
    Control4 needs to change or die!
  11. Like
    msgreenf reacted to RyanE in MyQ driver stopped working yesterday   
    There's not a lot Control4 can do when a partner either removes or changes their API without notification, or with short notification.
    That said, a driver based on a published API is much less likely to have this happen.
  12. Like
    msgreenf reacted to RyanE in bMyQ - New Product Offering!   
    Yup.  Options are good.
  13. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from HRT in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    It's brought up about every 3 months...
  14. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Cyknight in Neeo C4 Remote announcement   
    It's a useless article really. There's clearly no reference for the writer to work from, no device in hand nor likely one seen in person at all.
    exactly. He may as well be reviewing the latest x-ray machine as seen in his dentist's office. Actually he'd be liable to be more reliable to do that as he'd actually be able to see the device, and see it do something.
    First line of the article:
    You may as well be comparing how well my front door was made with how well my new tv's image is.
  15. Like
    msgreenf reacted to RyanE in bMyQ - New Product Offering!   
    The soldering iron option is less likely to break at some undetermined point in the future.
    You can even buy door openers that have already been soldered for you...
  16. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from EverAction in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    It's brought up about every 3 months...
  17. Like
    msgreenf reacted to joecheech in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    I THOUGHT I wanted Composer Pro when I first got my system but I came to understand the conflicts and potential problems that would cause. I find that HE definitely scratches my personal itch to customize and do some light programming. Further, with folks on this board, I find there is always someone around willing to remotely handle issues that can not be addressed by HE, like adding drivers and troubleshooting. Those folks that do this (at least the ones I’ve worked with) are responsive, trustworthy, reliable, and very reasonably priced.
    What I’d like to see is a way for end users to get easier access to hardware. I know folks here will sell us things and that is greatly appreciated by me, but it would be great to be able to buy from C4 or NYCE or others directly. I wonder if there is a solution where we end users could buy online through our MyC4 page with the appropriate commission paid to our dealer of record. 
    Not a complaint by any means but for folks like me who expand their system in drips and drabs I feel like it can be a real distraction for my dealer when I want to order two light switches and he is in the middle of lighting up an entire house. 
  18. Like
    msgreenf reacted to ILoveC4 in Neeo C4 Remote announcement   
    Yours does that. They’ve all done that since about 2007.
  19. Upvote
    msgreenf got a reaction from ejn1 in Neeo C4 Remote announcement   
    Got nothing to do with the remote. The streaming services don't have Api to allow this
  20. Like
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    msgreenf reacted to Cyknight in New Remotes Inbound.....   
    He basically told you he wouldnt' comment further.
    I doubt it though, this 'C4 Neeoo' is NOT the same device internally - hardware chages were made.
    I think it would have been preferable if they never called it a neeoo remote though, it just creates confusion and expectation.
  22. Like
    msgreenf reacted to Cyknight in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    No, never been asked. What a brilliant brand new thought you have there 😋
  23. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from SouthernSmarthome in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    It's brought up about every 3 months...
  24. Like
    msgreenf got a reaction from tdougray in Composer Pro for Home Owners - A path for success   
    It's brought up about every 3 months...
  25. Like
    msgreenf reacted to drro in New Remotes Inbound.....   
    I'll put US$5 on you buying (at least) one.  
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