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Everything posted by Matt

  1. It seems network related when I ping the HD controller. It’s pinging out anywhere from 16>45ms but when I ping the Lutron Main Repeater its under 1ms and provides a reliable ping. I haven’t seen any packets lost, so this doesn’t really help. Matt
  2. Also your HunterDouglas driver keeps bouncing from connected to failed to connect. This is throwing a bunch of errors in the logs.
  3. @jfh - The only port that I can find opened is 1723 to the public. I don't want to remove anything from the project. This is something that your dealer will need to be involved with. Sorry. Matt
  4. @jfh - Here's the logs from the thermostat. Seems to be stuck in a loop: pollingFetching status04/13/15 12:42:30 : Invalid Thermostat selectedInvalid Thermostat selected04/13/15 12:42:30 : Fetching Thermostats ListFetching Thermostats ListMatt
  5. @jfh - Looks like your thermostat is stuck "Fetching Thermostat" as well. I do see that your network keeps disconnecting/reconnecting: [ 13.415211] r8168: eth0: link down[ 15.645160] r8168: eth0: link down[ 18.038856] r8168: eth0: link up[ 18.644011] r8168: eth0: link up[ 84.687043] r8168: eth0: link down[ 85.684014] r8168: eth0: link down[ 86.587191] r8168: eth0: link up[ 86.684018] r8168: eth0: link up[ 171.985750] r8168: eth0: link down[ 171.999560] r8168: eth0: link upHow do you have the HC-800 connected? (Router > Switch?) Can you provide us the make and model of each piece? Thanks Matt
  6. Looks like there are alot of assertions coming from your Ecobee t-stat: 2015-04-13 07:41:08.101 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 3792015-04-13 07:41:08.110 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 3792015-04-13 07:41:08.119 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 3792015-04-13 07:41:08.127 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 3792015-04-13 07:41:08.135 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 3792015-04-13 07:41:08.143 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 3792015-04-13 07:41:08.152 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 4672015-04-13 07:41:08.153 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 4672015-04-13 07:41:08.154 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 4672015-04-13 07:41:08.155 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 4672015-04-13 07:41:08.156 -0500 home-controller-800-000FFF583CF8 [3430] ERROR: Assertion caused by C4LibDriverBases/TStatScheduleV2.cpp line number 467Right now the t-stat is stuck at "Fetching status" and has been that way for awhile. I am not experienced with this thermostat or driver so you may want to contact the developer. Matt
  7. Sorry one more question. I notice you have a HC-300 on your network but not in your project. Was this a controller that was running director/zigbee prior to you installing the HC-800? Matt
  8. @fire/medic Thanks for the account information. Right now everything seems to be working fine. Will you respond to this thread when the problem occurs? Matt
  9. Can you provide me with your customer.control4.com account name? Thanks. Once I receive the account name i'll see if I can figure out the problem. Regards, Matt
  10. drmark12pa – I have no intentions to harm your system, I was going to look up web services logs and see why the controller unregistered itself. With regards to being cautious on information you provide, only your dealer and a few of us have access to the admin database to do anything with your "account name".I’d be more cautious about providing an email address or controller mac before worrying about the user name. In the meantime, go ahead and proceed with the controller registration process and re-apply the registration code which can be found on your my.control4.com account page. Again I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Take care, Matt
  11. What is your my.control4.com account name?
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