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Posts posted by Cyknight

  1. You aren't understanding how that works the way I believe it does (and again, this is NOT my expertise so it's far from written in stone).

    The nav decides what to display BASED on the proxy is what I think is the case. In other words, based on the proxy is selects the transport control display vs showing any other info, based on the proxy current media is the device, not other info....

  2. 3 minutes ago, ziocan said:

    we could then trap track changed / disc changed events

    Dear me, let's not go there!

    It would be a simple matter as such of having a device that can simply tell you what is playing....but it keeps getting back to this - there are no disc changers with that sort of ability on the market to day in a number that makes sense for Control4 to do anything about.

    PERHAPS if there is enough want for it, a media proxy driver (the proxy that handles all that fancy feedback you see for other sources/streaming services) could be made to handle a disc-changer. Not saying it IS possible, but it might be.

    But once again - to what economic end.

  3. It's even possible that older systems had it, not sure at this time - but the disc changer proxy died with the demise of the 7000 bluray changer. Numerous changes have been made to the system and indeed to now playing/media metadata handling since.

    Make no mistake - I'm an 'old dog' when it comes to C4 and related. And "not so many years ago" is -for better or worse- ancient in terms of technology. Honestly - any time you can use the plural form of year, it's old.

    The 7000 was brought out in 2009 - and I think it was at least a year that the 777 was eol at that time (forcing C4 hack use of other models for some) but even at best it was the same year. That's 7 years+. And the 700 lasted at best until early 2012 - so that's 4 years past support.


  4. Showing the controls is normal. I THINK so is the fact that it cannot directly display song/artist info.

    As far as the system is concerned, your 'current media' is merely the 777, not whatever disc etc it's playing.

    You have to keep in mind that the 777 is quite ancient in technology terms, thus so is it's driver (and indeed the complete proxy it is based on) - it wouldn't have been updated to have the ability to display content etc as has been done for still 'relevant' devices/proxies as nothing of the type of device has been brought out in many years by now - so there is little (no) call to try and update that old disc-changer proxy.

  5. Hmm, one thing to note is that we may be talking about something else still - based on that KODI image there. There are also so-called MINI drivers, ie for Sonos or Roku. Those may be what you mean by 'channel' icons. If so - you're back to drivers and 1024x1024 as your base. Note that MANY of the mini drivers (but far from all!) are 'locked' ie you can't touch or change them, including Sonos, I assume HTI's Roku driver (C4 mini drivers can be made for Roku) and some others. These are actual 'drivers' in that you load them as such and their art work with it.

  6. AH, I get what you're saying. With the new 'drivers' for these, I guess that got a bit confusing.

    No that isn't in a driver, it's loaded and edited via the media Tab in composer. For movie posters I think the recommended size is something like 2000x3000 or near, but that's far overdone for channels obviously.

    I'd say 600x600 for those is plenty (they are square, unlike movies). You just load those direct into the system, or if you want, do one system and then export the media list to have handy to import whenever you want into other projects - THOSE get scaled by the system automatically.

  7. I understand what you're looking to do - but you're bumping into a number of limitations.

    The app can now handle the access agent, but it's got some limitations - in particular is that you cannot limit access on just one phone, it's all or nothing.

    WITHIN C4, what may work best is to have ZigBee locks, those can be managed with C4 in one app, and have ability to have multiple codes, and has scheduling available as well (example cleaner can only come in tuesday and thursday between 9am and 4pm)

  8. It depends on what you're truly looking to do.

    If it's integrated into c4, you can ALREADY give people permanent or controlled access to your system, and thus any integrated locks.

    If you expect a LOT of people that need temporary access - you shouldn't be looking at a cheap solution anyway as it now becomes a security issue.


    In the end - it matters little. The Danalock is bluetooth and ZWave only so there is no direct integration path. PERHAPS there is some way to tie it into a Vera ZWave controller, that can then be integrated into Control4 - but you're now adding steps that are going to be just as expensive and that much more unreliable for something locks.



  9. That's just a zwave relay board. It has it's own 'app' but from an integration standpoint it's nothing more than a relay board.

    The fact that it's zwave mean no, no one has or will look into it.

    We HAVE numerous wireless or other option to add relays in addition to already built-in controller/i/o extender relays.

    WiFi, serial, IP, ZigBee....all already available either via Control 4 or 3rd party manufactures or driver developers.


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