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Posts posted by Cyknight

  1. 1 hour ago, mkaiseraz said:

    I will, I promise. I do have a question about backing up. When I do, HE presents me with a dialog box containing a bunch of checkboxes that appear to be what should be backed up. But the dialog appears for only a second, then is replaced by another with only two options (Project Data and Personal Information), both checked. Is everything being backed up?


    This is normal, initially all possible options show up, but after a second it automatically hides irrelevant options (for example, most people won't have zwave, lots of people don't have stored media (saved favorites etc from streaming media don't fall under this))

  2. 1 hour ago, mkaiseraz said:

    Thanks for all this experience, guys. I'm a retired software engineer, so I think I can handle this. I appreciate why many cannot. :)

    And while I appreciate that you are what you are, it likely means your chances of doing 'damage' is higher than most :D


    That said, your system, you're free to get HE - and mess it up, then pay to get it fixed ;)

  3. 2 hours ago, dcovach said:

    Is C4 not intelligent enough to know connect to the MAC address of the ATV if it's set to obtain the IP automatically through DHCP?

    MAC address control doesn't exists - in C4 or otherwise. Device that do NOT require a 'static' or 'reserved' IP use some other form of broadcasting to make the connection (SDDP is a big one but there are others) - Apple doesn't like to share though :lol:

  4. On 2/28/2018 at 12:38 AM, obas said:

    1) I might want to put photos there as well eventually, to show on my TV.

    IF you mean using the C4 on screen display's screensaver - you should NOT do that from a NAS. Not because it won't work (it will) but because it will cause your drives in a 24/7 spin because the system is constantly loading the pictures - so it will likely degrade your disks much faster.

  5. Hmm.

    When it comes to music from CDs - your best bet is to get a simple storage device and just use the native database. While that DB doesn't work great for music 'bought by the song' - it was designed and works well around 'old fashioned' CD rips.

    What storage works best? Honestly for the purpose of music a NAS is likely overdone. As per above, chances are a plain old USB drive will do the trick unless you have a huge library. Even then, a standard external USB drive (PLEASE make sure it's externally powered!!!) works the same way as far as C4 is concerned.

    Just be sure you have it formatted in FAT32...you may need an external program to do so. Oh and make sure partition type is MBR, not GPT (normally is MBR)

    Load it up with your music, attach it - wait a few minutes and it should show up automatically.


    Note that for USB drives (sticks or otherwise) C4 software can be a bit iffy. Generally though a normal/decent brand drive that is a plain device (ie n encryption, backup r other fancy features) work and work well.

    One final note on USB storage though - the MA limit the controllers allow is 2TB (per storage device) - if you end up with more than that, you'll have to go with a NAS.


    Guess one more note - once attached to a controller, the USB device becomes accessible on the network so adding more files can be done without moving the device around. If that part is giving you grief, chances are the drive is formatted NTSF (which C4 can read, but not write to)

  6. No, it's not.

    This is actually 'just' a matter of adding the Dune Driver and a network file storage driver for the NAS.

    From there, scan the drive for media (under....media, scanning options) and if desired create a schedule to rescan.


    Now how well your movies show up will depend in no small part on how they were ripped from all those dvds and blurays you own yourself right?

  7. Well for starters the amp model you mention in the first post is NOT the amp you have, you actually have a power (dumb) amp not a matrixed amp.


    This actually makes your life easier.

    EITHER use the global input for one sonos (and set each zone to use global with the switch)or add sonos to each input or if you want to combine a few zones you can use those outputs to jumper multiple zones together.

    NOW the next thing is your sensitivity setting.

    It would appear the amp is already jumpered to always be on, BUT the trigger is set to off. Ie that jumper doesn't do anything yet. Set sensitivity to the middle, move the trigger switch and adjust as needed for average volume. Your Sonos will then handle the volume control.


  8. 2 hours ago, zaphod said:

    Hue white bulbs are about $15-$20 each

    More than that but sure - and when you have a bank of 8 of them it's about the same price.

    UNLESS color is important, go with light switches. Hue bulbs are nice for certain accent things, great for table/standlamps as an alternative for getting an outlet control but for main lighting I wouldn't reco9mmend it. Especially within C4. One issue is that you still HAVE those light switches and you need to do something with it - you can keep the original switch but than you risk accidental loss of control, you can't wire it through in most regions legally (must be an easy access way of shutting power off) or if you want to make sure they are always on....you install a controlled light switch anyway.


    If cost for C4 lighting is truly that prohibitive you can work with your dealer to look at alternative lighting option, but going all controlled bulbs is just not a great idea in my opinion

  9. I've yet to get the C4 driver to really work, but the latest firmware is (supposedly) compatible now.


    HOWEVER something to point out: The NVR will not in any way make camera's compatible with C4 - the cameras THEMSELVES need to be compatible (which is pretty much every HIKVision cam if that's the route your taking). The HIKVision NVR have a 'local host' option most other do NOT have that allow you to connect to the cameras 'directly' through the NVR (and that includes C4) but that doesn't make cameras magically work in C4.


    So in your case, just get the latest firmware from HIKVision direct, set local host and use HIKVision cameras - no driver for the NVR needed (cam drivers are direct from C4)

  10. I'm sure there's others but:


    Readily available (free) cam drivers for:




    Almost any camera if you set up a Blue Iris system

    Also free but by 3rd party:

    -Digital Watchdog (Spectrum line) by Homeation

    Paid by 3rd party:

    Homeation/The Drivers Lab:

    -FLIR (yes there are some, not sure on all the details, no clue on compatibility with their many sub brands)

    Black Wire Desgins:











    HIKVision is popular because they have a ton of choices, aren't poorly priced and readily available. Lilin is a bit more expensive but a great product. Luma is so-so. Not bad but cheaper for a reason. For all three these brands most if not all (somewhat) current models are supported and drivers work well, with the possible exception of the HIKVision NVR control driver (thoguh not the cams) from C4 which has been problematic.

    Dahua is well known and are good cams but not always easy to obtain. Think most cams are supported but not too familiar.

    Blue Iris is nice because you can get almost any camera to work, but requires a specially setup computer to operate and I would advise you to make sure you can handle the software yourself.

    Watchdog is popular among many (sub) contractors, especially security companies (margin). Can't comment on the driver, and it's been years since I dealt with them (and hated them then)

    Other brands....are cheaper option - but are focused on DIY and often cheaper for a reason.. Take care with these brands in your camera selection too - not all cams are supported, I certainly wouldn't ASSUME they are. and would check the model numbers. Can't really comment on the drivers as such.


    EASIEST are probably Lilin and Luma as both are tight Control4 partners (Luma is SnapAV) and both NVR and camera drivers are simple to set up, as is the equipment. Like I said the HIKVision cam driver has been flawless for us, but the NVR not so much (to the point that we usually jsut use an IR driver if there is a desire for control at all - I generally recommend using a computer to log into an NVR to begin with).

  11. On 1/20/2018 at 5:05 AM, Elena said:

    What I have is a Mesh system all around the house because the Virgin internet loses power in the whole house

    I'm going to venture a guess and say that it's not a true mesh system.

    I strongly suspect whatever AP you're connecting to is on a vlan or otherwise blocked from talking to the main network.

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