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Posts posted by Cyknight

  1. 15 hours ago, Jed Peters said:

    No, no it's not.

    I get full uncompressed 4k HDR video and HD sound through my system. NAS--Nvidia Shield--Plex

    No you're not. At least, no more than a Bluray player can output a DVD in 'full 1080p'.

    That said, this will turn out into an endless discussion of 'merit' - and I was asked for and gave my OPINION, no more, no less.

  2. Dune players, including the 4K solo have always been great players. Reliable and well maintained, including after production.


    As for what is the best option for 4K. Well, frankly if you want true 4KHDR support....a 4K Blu-Ray player and disk. Yes I know, old fashioned, but the reality is that it works, works well, is the one real way to get true UHD and 'HD' sound....


    But beyond that, itll depend on the content you want. Personally I'll still take Roku for streaming services.

  3. 3 hours ago, Pounce said:

    You can install apps on the Zappiti. You are right, it might not mean that, but I am not sure anyone has tried nor do we know for sure. I'm not going to hate on it without knowing.

    I wasn't hating on it either - just pointing out that it will be a different experience than the Dune setup he already has. Not better or worse, but it would be different and not an 'in place' upgrade.

  4. 22 hours ago, Pounce said:

    Looks like it's android and has some keycode api's. I bet it would work with VS IRUSB. I also see that you can enable UPNP on it to see the content. Yes, the drivers on their site are a year or more old.

    Seems like there are some API's available. They have an OpenAPI swaggar yml.



    IRUSB would still do nothing for selecting content through C4 direct. Also, I'm not so sure it would as IRUSB requires an app.

    And while I'm sure there are APIs available - that doesn't mean the call for specific content is implemented in it - or that anyone would write a driver for it to get that function

  5. Zappitti won;t work like Dune will - the driver (and/or device) is (or has been, Ill add that I haven't looked at it for a few months) lacking any ability to allow C4 to tell it to grab a certain file - in other words you would be locked to using its own interface to select movies, and cannot see the movie database in Control4 and select from there.

  6. 2 hours ago, CinBrandon said:

    Did you have any luck with this?
    I acquired a Wattbox WB-600-ipvce-12 with my house. same exact issue.

    Unfortunately they said it has to be replaced thru a dealer, and I have no idea where it was purchased from. Seems if it has a lifetime warranty, place of purchase would not really matter.
    (I do corporate A/V work. Though not home install, I am a A/V professional)

    As per above - they only take RMA's via A dealer - any Snap (or regional distributor for their gear) should be able to do it.

  7. AHAH! Much clearer.

    13 minutes ago, Adidaswood said:

    so I'm simply asking, if I press a button and it is programmed to run a scene.  Can that tracking be implemented and utilized, or does that absolutely require the button be bound to the scene?

    Scene tracking is ALWAYS functioning (assuming of course whatever lighting you have allows tracking) - so any programming triggered on scene states will work regardless of how a scene gets to the used state:


    Scenes have 3 triggers:

    INVOKE: Triggers when any programming actually CALLS for the scene. Meaning that unless you actually call for the scene (be it by a bound button, from a GUI or via programming) programming off of that event will trigger.


    becomes ACTIVE or INACTIVE triggers WHENEVER that scene reaches that state.

    BE CAREFUL when programming off of this! Why? Let's create a lighting scene 'basement off' - turning all lights in the basement off, tracked on all devices being at the scene final level.

    Now let's program on that scene becoming active to turn off all a/v in the basement. Great right? if you press that button at the top of the stairs, all TVs and music go off as well.

    Now imagine a nice sunny day, the basement is flooded with light. You fell like watching a movie in your theatre. You sit down, select your movie and start it....but upon starting a movie the theatre lights turn off except for the star ceiling (which is not trackeable light), a lovely feature...and no other lights in the basement were turned on....and your theatre shuts off. Now imagine me coming in on a cloudy day trying to recreate this issue... :blink:

  8. 21 hours ago, 88Tiger88 said:

    Is that any performance advantage or quality advantage  for Pakedge solution of RK/SX, compared to UniFi solution for managed network?  Other than bakpak for dealer manage remotely.  

    Directly, no - the added value is primarily in advanced support from C4 for the dealer, and thus a level of "guarantee" (not in the written, legal form!) for the end-user.

  9. 51 minutes ago, badjesus said:

    But for the existing equipment, I shouldn't have to pay someone to make some changes that are out of the scope of the home composer.

    Understand that I'm playing devil's advocate here.

    But YOU choose to leave the C4 world - or for one reason or another have acted in a way that forces it (please don't take this personal, I'm talking in general terms here).

    YOU choose to continue having a system - so YOU choose to now be a consumer.

    48 minutes ago, badjesus said:

    How would they upset customers on their own system?? I am confused why two people now have read "own system" as freelancing. We are talking about only working on your own system, you bought as a demo, when you used to be a dealer. Plain and simple. Not helping other customers, not purchasing new gear at cost, none of that. Just using your own system. No remote, no giving yourself 4sight, none of that. Just a login for composer. 

    Because there is no way to enforce you using it only for yourself...and your family, and friends, and....

    Understand that I'm not saying you WOULD, but how do I know you WOULDN'T?


    You're thinking only of yourself, but you would need to take yourself out of the equation and look at it more remotely.


    I believe C4 DID at one time have a program for this situation...and it got abused, much like the developer program got abused.

    48 minutes ago, badjesus said:

    Just a login for composer. 

    Which would instantly allow working on any system, see above - it has been abused.


    Mind you, if there was SOME manner where you could lock a 'pro' access to an account, that may open up some options for those admittedly caught in between a rock and a hard place - but even then, what is preventing you from registering a different system to you account temporarily, do your thing and change back?


    51 minutes ago, badjesus said:

    I found 5 people that are willing to do what I am asking do that is good. They know I will only ever use it for personal. I will never remote in, I will never give myself a license, or do anything to harm them. It is just one more email on file. 

    That's their risk to take, I wouldn't recommend it, but it's their choice. Again, nothing personal at all towards you - please understand that. But while we've been back an forth a few times via these forums - I do not know you beyond text on a screen. WHY in the world would I (assuming I'm in the role of owning a C4 dealership) trust you on your word, risking my own business and thus livelihood of myself and all my employees (and by extend my family and theirs) based on that?

    That's why I recommended talking to your current employer, assuming you leave on otherwise good terms. There's a true personal relationship there, plus being in the area they would potentially notice if you WERE doing you're own side business and could strip you of access to begin with.


    You could not be taking words more literal

    Of course I am - it's written text, there is no true inflection - how else should I take it?


    Want me to read in between the lines? Because if I do, I could read several things in there that would make me even less likely to 'trust' you on your word - ie that you think you're likely to either be fired or leave on bad terms with your current employer. Of course I could also read in between the lines that you're just looking at better income opportunities, moving to a new area or several other option. So tell me, which one should I take? Or should I just stick to the literal words? You asked in general terms, so I answered in general terms.

    51 minutes ago, badjesus said:

    C4 has the ability to heavily limit what you can do with your account. To allow for an "ex-dealers" usertype with a small annual fee, 1 computer composer and no access to pricing or tech


    You're assuming this is in place, and it isn't to that extend - but even if it was, it would still very much depend on TRUSTING what is, in essence, a complete stranger.


    One last time, I'm NOT 'attacking' you personally  - I understand where you're coming from, indeed I could easily be in the same situation. Difference is, I'm NOT currently in your situation, so I can still look at the bigger picture.

    On the even broader scope of things, taking it back to Control4 the corporation - In the end this is no different than the discussion of opening up 'Pro' to 'power users' or even those willing to pay for it - it's not as simple as just doing it for a 'few; or 'the individual'. Those that argue that 'yes it can' fail to look at it from that larger perspective and so will never be convinced of the arguments, leading to exactly what we get on these forums time and time again) You see this same issue in many things - politics especially is full of these situations.

    51 minutes ago, badjesus said:

    The fact is, in most cases when someone leaves and is looking for just their own personal system, they aren't helping customers

    What fact? Where are you getting this fact from? It is also a self enforcing sentence :

    When someone leaves and just wants to take care of their own system, they don't want take care of customers.

    Well yeah obviously, but what's to say that when they leave, most of them don't want to also start a side business? And even is MOST people wouldn't do it, it's the FEW that gets us back to the fact that you're asking others to trust that you are not one of those few. And those few are the reason there is no system in place anymore. Vicious circle.


    51 minutes ago, badjesus said:

    This is all pretty simple and I think anyone arguing it is just trying to elevate boredom. 

    Maybe it's boredom that makes us argue it's Saturday and I'm killing time for sure, but it's not 'simple' at all. That's kind of the whole point of this post. There's nothing simple about it.

    You may not see it that way, but again - perspective.


    And so we circle around and around and around. :D

  10. Just now, Matt Lowe said:

    problem is you cant enforce this. And if they upset a customer control4 will come after your dealership

    A few have been


    2 minutes ago, Matt Lowe said:

    I would for sure, 100%, allow them a deal login to work on their own system free of charge

    - and there's one little problem with your 'for sure 100%' idea - each dealer has a limited amount of licenses available, you'd not only run out quick, it would be noticed quick.

    Also, you are now talking about two different scenarios. 'for rent' would mean someone paying a dealer to have access, you being a 'freelancer' is another matter entirely.

  11. 4 hours ago, Hardware said:

    Gotcha. I think his point is if you want an action with the room powering on no matter what happens, his way is less work.


    WHEN powerstate changes

    IF room is on



    Vs doing the exact same IF plus action twice, or even putting a macro in twice.

    Note that yes, the IF statement is still needed using when video/audio selection changes, because the room turning off is also a change in selection...so would trigger the programming

  12. 12 minutes ago, badjesus said:

    Has anyone had any luck reaching out to a dealer to possibly rent a license/dealer login to Composer?

    This would be grounds for terminating the dealership if discovered.

    Your BEST bet would be to talk to your current employer. Assuming you're not leaving in bad blood that is.

    2 minutes ago, George B said:

    I am not even allowed to use the Composer app!

    Well no, because the two are tied together and not separately licensed.

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