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Posts posted by Cyknight

  1. 20 minutes ago, therockhr said:


    Aww love the effort put into this, but note the fact that the wording used here would lead to the assumption that the person in question either DID the update, or at the very least requested it.

    Oh, and there's the fact that I said ANYONE, which would include the dealers, whom I do not deny include any number that also don't bother to read the information. Even-though C4 made the exceptional move of announcing the arrival a week beforehand, urging dealers specifically to read the information, look at the videos they released and advised them to test on their own systems first.



  2. 1 minute ago, Elephant_Man said:

    @prabeau See, you start trying to be cute to a 17 year old, making quick assumptions and it's automatic internet fire.  So, since I'm young I have to express my emotions to a computer and to some old guy on the internet.  Where is Chris Hansen BTW?!  Apparently the truth does sting a little bit or else you wouldn't have taken the time to comment on my post.  Tesla?  Who said anything about a Tesla?  Comparing a thousand dollar Control4 Touch Screen to a potential 200K car is a little over the top, no?  Plus, you seem more like the first generation Nissan Leaf type of guy.  It's cool - Practical, kind of ugly but will do the job if needed.

    @prabeau If you need someone to talk to, I know I'm young , but we can get through this together.  I got you bro!!!  I also learned the power of saving and investing at a young age.  Think I have around $1800 saved up since I started working.  Filthy Rich over here.  But, the youth of this country is only rewarded from the older generations failures.  So thanks for failing...??

    Always entertaining - This is better than Twitter.  tweet tweet


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  3. 7 hours ago, HRT said:

    Not sure why the chest puffing was needed

    Funny indeed - considering that seems to be EXACTLY what you're doing. I'm not puffing my chest, I'm letting you know where I get some of my information from.

    7 hours ago, HRT said:

    I was actually asking you if you had some info from Control4

    You're a dealer or dealer employee right? If so you should know better than to ask that at all. Whether or not I do, it's not my place to speak of it here.

    7 hours ago, HRT said:

    i'm sorry I don't care about you talking with dealers/users world wide I just don't)

    So you're own experience is more valid? And the number of systems you have done or how long are important?

    Have a look at the top quote snippet.

    Feel free to puff your chest and feel like you have the better judgement over everyone here, as well as Control4 as a company.

  4. 6 hours ago, HRT said:

    Where are you getting this info?

    Where are you? Based on what you said yourself, you're limited to your own clientele. And just because you do something a certain way, that doesn't mean other work the SAME way. Or that any one way is better or not. If anything you should be aware that just because you're used to doing something a certain way, doesn't mean it's the right way - your clients more than likely depend on YOU for the most part to tell them what works or doesn't work. As such, to what degree are YOU the one causing the OSD to get such limited use in your area? It's an easy trap to fall into.

    So even if it were the same for me, that's still a singular point of view on your part, based on a singular market. The numbers don't mean much as such. 100's of systems is still a drop in the bucket, and the fact that it's a single company in a single market actually makes it mean less on a global scale.

    We install OSD control on over 50% of our jobs, and it's used to some capacity on all of them. And no, that's not a controller per TV. Would a good portion of those be fine without it? Sure.

    However, just a few examples:

    I have numerous clients that will NOT be updating right now to OS3 simply because of the loss of things like lighting control, because they are using it daily for that very purpose alone (you know, as opposed to using a magnifying glass on their iPad or T3 screen).

    I have clients using the OSD to select music across the house, keeping it on the OSD to display the current song, media cover art or the photo screensaver, and the TV they use isn't by default in the room(s) they are using for sound. There's alternative ways to go around that, but they may not want to.

    I have clients that can use an OSD and a remote, or a custom setup control via keypads or more advanced setups still that wouldn't have a hope of using touchscreens of any type, and no voice isn't an option either...

    There's those that use OSD to display cameras watching youth in rec rooms, pools or yards to keep an eye out.

    Pop-up doorstation cameras wherever you're watching TV.

    Movie selection within Control4 is still easiest on the OSD


    Even if the first and third example comprise a very small portion of the market and ignoring the rest, would you still think the OSD should just be dropped? I will tell you I sure don't.


    The above is just based on MY experience. But no, that is not the only line of information I have. I'm in touch with dealers and users from across the world, and I'm not talking about forums and their experiences weigh in as well. More importantly, I've no doubt Control4 has their own information on top of that, and if it the use was as low as you seem to believe there's no way they'd have put the amount of effort in that they have for this new release.




  5. 2 hours ago, The_Scale said:

    In an update mainly focused on UI changes, I can't understand why they stop support of items like door stations and speaker points. Even a controller that is more a slave than a primary unit, why would you not just support it albeit on older firmware?

    All driven at selling more hardware. In an industry of pretty poor suppliers and some new upcoming players why would you alienate everyone?

    Because, at least for the two you mentioned, they were already limited in their use for some time. And they're more complex than, say, an i/o extender to boot. At some point, items have to be dropped in their support. 'just keeping it on an older firmware' is not as simple as it sounds, you still have to develop against them as you move forward.


    Note that this is coming from someone who 'lost' 6 touchscreens from his system, plus controllers. Not to mention every last single piece of hardware C4 ever supported  - I may not always be happy about it, but I understand the need to stop supporting gear that can't keep up. Trying to maintain them IS a huge deal.

  6. 48 minutes ago, janthony6 said:

    I control my somfy shades using an urtsi- don’t remember the driver - will this work on 3.0?

    Depends on the driver, not the device. If it's the C4 original driver, I'm not sure. If it's a 3rd party driver you're fine.

  7. 4 minutes ago, digitaltrader said:

    I’m frustrated that the door stations (I have  2) can’t be used in OS 3.0.  They have never been supported well by C4.

    These suffered heavily from a missed limitation in the chips they used, something that from what I know just couldn't be overcome. With DS2 getting the app, I'm thinking it was time to let these go.

  8. 4 minutes ago, digitaltrader said:

    Seems little counter intuitive to not control lights and thermostats on the OSD without extra work.

    I don't disagree, and hope full control will return at some point, but the focus has been on media and cameras from what I've seen, and creating an OSD that isn't 'just a port' from the T3 screens with somewhat awkward controls instead of touch control.

    It seems clear to me that a LOT of work went into the OSD so far, more may yet be coming.

  9. 11 minutes ago, control4user007 said:

    Will it come to 3.0?  I do have to say I tried it on my 2.10 system before I upgraded today and noticed how much better it was!  Great work!!  Now that I’m in 3.0 it’s not much use, but if it can be ported over I would definitely use it.

    I wouldn't bet on it. If there is enough interest, it may make sense to make a new app to accompany 3.0, but that's the issue, the interest is and has been extremely minimal from what I've heard and seen.

  10. 3 hours ago, South Africa C4 user said:

    And apparently the Domosapiens DSC Driver was erroneously added to a block list and C4 is resolving now... so hopefully myself and anyone else with this driver can upgrade soon... 🤞

    If I had to guess, the driver was built using the original DSC driver, and that's why it got flagged. As I understand it, Composer checks the source codes for drivers, not any name etc. In other words, drivers aren't blacklisted as such, specific codes and tags are.

  11. On 5/25/2019 at 5:59 AM, livitup said:

    There are two Concord4 drivers, one old one and one new one. If your GUI has the “big round button” on the alarm page, you’re using the new one.

    The new one will continue to work. If you’re still on the old one, a dealer can swap out the driver as part of the upgrade process.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Assuming your Concord is on a new enough (meaning not a very old) firmware.

  12. 35 minutes ago, chesterwilson said:

    Why is the HC250 no longer supported when the HC800 is?  Was it that hard to allow users to be able to use it as a slave for I/O only?  

    Probably, or they like would have preferred to do the same as they are doing with the HC800. Oh I'm sure some will yell that it's a money grab, but I sincerely doubt that's true. There's something there preventing it directly (storage capacity for example) or indirectly like the cost of making it work (not just for the initial release but any following updates) -which could well be tremendous- didn't outweigh the inevitable lash-back.


    I don't claim to know the reasoning as such - but there's ALWAYS people complaining when something gets dropped (including myself I should add).

  13. 3 hours ago, knowitall said:

    If this goes through, Mark my words, snap AV and their rack builder tool will be delivering fully built and wired up racks to your door. Just gotta put in the modem / cable boxes / streaming devices.  They’ll probably even pre configure the network  

    Wonder how much a snap rack builder will get paid. 

    You realize C4 sold pre-built racks once upon a time right?

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