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Posts posted by Cyknight

  1. To see cams plugged into the hik nvr, you need to enable the virtual host setting - tell your dealer to look for the appropriate articles on how to do it in the C4 knowledge base (just search for hikvision).


    The above is largely correct off the top of my head by the way, but the kb aticles detail the steps.

  2. Anything hooked up to a security system could be incorporated into C4 (well assuming your security system integrated of course).

    Any gas detector with a sensor output can bconnected to a C4 controller (EA 3/5, i/o extender) or compatible contact input (ie C4 contact senor, Axxess RC6 and others)


    There is no detector that is wireless and has a 'native' integration that I'm aware of.


  3. In addition, it's no yet clear if/when C4 will be ready to deal with works with google assistant - they have said they're intent is to have it ready to go on the same date, though where that is currently is at I do not know.

  4. 19 hours ago, sooner2k1 said:

    All of this is a fair point. And as a customer that may need to spend $2000 plus to buy a controller that supports additional vendor platforms it would be helpful to understand technically why certain features work on one controller and not the other.  If not, how and why would the concern about forced obsolescence not be fair?  

    I’ll  take the grief for starting the convo early while still on beta, but are certain commenters going to shut down everyone else who has the same pain point when it leaves beta and they can’t control a current gen Apple product that was touted as a win in marketing in 2018?

    You could just use the IR driver.....there's an excellent one floating around the dealer forums and other places (free) that works great.

  5. 8 hours ago, South Africa C4 user said:

    I think Gary means it was an inferior (junk / useless) product. Which most (all?) would agree.

    Yes, I got what he meant, however what is said was something different. I would certainly agree it failed to live up to what users (and dealers) would have hoped it could do, but it did what it was said to be doing. I would NOT call it useless or junk, expecially if you keep in mind that it came out at a time that things like Doorbird or Ring were not mainstream items yet, but 'regular' intercoms were - which it was pitched against. And they do last, I still have a dozen or so out there that do exactly what they're supposed to do - provide the ability to see who's at the door while home, talk to them if desired, and run an announcement to let people know there's someone there.

    PS those old 'regular' intercom units were often in-wall units too, with the exact same issue when replacing them, even with units by the same manufacturer.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Gary Leeds UK said:

    I would go faulty product- I asked my dealer to install one for me and he refused - That was 2 years before DS2 Mini came out. 

    Said they was useless and waste of money 

    Apart from your dealer's apparently poor grammar skills, even if the opinion is 'useless and a waste of money' - that still isn't a FAULTY product. I think buying a formula1 car is useless and a waste of money - but that doesn't mean it's faulty 😉

  7. 3 hours ago, eggzlot said:

    They did not advertise features that did not work.  Now it was missing the ability to do other stuff that its competition in the market were able to do at the time.  but that does not mean it was faulty or never worked properly

    This exactly. I wish the DS had all the features of it's follow up had, but it didn't and so it got surpassed by other devices. C4 in turn reacted by bringing out an option that could do all of those features, and knock it out of the park. Instead of reinventing the wheel, they went with a very reputable company, worked with them and brought out the DS2 and DS mini.

    We now have a unit that has rock solid remote AND local intercom, is able to be connected and feed a camera security system with it's camera and integrates flawlessly to Control4 for all features, not to mention has keypad, RFID and other options that can be added (well, on the DS2, not the mini).

    Again, I don't LIKE that it played out the way it did, but I can't change history.


  8. Philips is usually good, suprised to hear isues with Cree - I've always heard good things.

    But note that almost EVERY LED will start misbehaving at percentages below 20% - at least in the sense that there is often no visible difference. That's mostly the nature of the beast.


  9. On 6/29/2019 at 5:13 AM, Zuhair said:


    This response is expected from a salesman post sales! C4 decided to purchase a door station design from a 3rd party that is not engineered for C4 and not putting in mind how will current users replace thier current DS fixed into stone/marble/concrete.

    And that response if expected from someone only looking out for their own situation and not seeing the bigger picture.

    You don't have to like your current situation, and nor should you have to - but it is what it is. You'll have to get over it and choose one of the options you mentioned.

  10. On 6/29/2019 at 10:02 AM, blub said:

    If you believe different then please explain to me why the DS cannot work with OS3 on a technical level - I. E. Why can't it continue to provide a door bell sound and audio video under OS while it can do it with OS 2.x

    That is for Control4 to answer, but YOU assume it IS possible, whereas I assume there is an issue with a few items in continued support is OS3 regarding resolution and the locked video SIP protocol hard-coded into the chip. To be clear, I'm only speculating but so are you. Reality is that the old DS was a problem child at the best of times in my experience.

    While I understand that you'd be frustrated, and can sympathize with the feeling, the old DS 'died' well before OS3 IMHO - and ending support is not dissimilar to ending a horse with 4 broken legs and a broken back to boot. Sad perhaps, but the right thing to do, no matter how much it hurts the person owning it.

  11. 4 hours ago, digitaltrader said:

    It has C4 name on it ...even worse if they offered no input to suit their current customers.  Shows they are just taking off the shelf products and rebranding them their own.

    Wow jump to conclusions much lately?


    1 hour ago, blub said:

    You cannot compare a smartphone with something that is part of house.
    Home automation is in between long lasting parts for houses, like HVAC etc., and short lasting technology - it's a balance act.
    For me everything that is somehow built into a house, like switches or a door station is something that I expect to work until it breaks, even if it is part of a HA system.

    BUT IT DIDN'T STOP WORKING. You just can't upgrade to the next software version with it.

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