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Posts posted by Cyknight

  1. 43 minutes ago, macosr said:

    No, you certainly don't know! You may want to check your dates. 

    The Gen4 driver was available in early 2018. I'm not positive on the actual first release date but it was certainly available at least 18 months ago when my system was installed.

    And you should not assume to use the dates in the drivers are ANY representation of the actual creation date LET ALONE a release

    You should especially not get all high and mighty about them.

    The driver came out MAYBE very late 2018, more like early 2019. It was developed against iOS 12.1, which in and of itself wasn't released until October 30th 2018. So even if the driver came out at the same date THAT was released, you're still under one year.

  2. 7 hours ago, RyanE said:

    With the exception of Control4 tech support if you have that option enabled in your customer.control4.com account.


    LOL, fair point. Though even then only a subsection have the credentials to do so (as in, not all C4 employees are considered tech support and so not all C4 employees have access to people's systems)

  3. 7 hours ago, EverAction said:

    the Apple TV in the pic is linked to Simon’s ipad. It’s possible the driver came out after C4 acquired EV, but Simon is the EV dude. 

    And subsequently acquired by Control4, making numerous drivers and some other software stuff, but that doesn't mean it was made by EV let alone sold.

    It's a bit of a moot point regardless.

  4. 4 hours ago, shawkyns said:

    , C4 as a business should realize that there is a HUGE installed base of apple TV, and with the intro of apple TV plus and the integration of streaming services with apple, this number will only grow. just as they have put the effort in to integrate Alexa and amazon, they should be putting equal effort in to bring apple tv users on board.

    As long as APPLE is the one controlling the API limits, and restricts the how and what of integration, you're simply dead wrong.

  5. 4 hours ago, c4Iona said:

    I have the newest driver in 3.1x and the bridge has screwed up the Home app on my iPhone.  All I can now see id apple items and control4 items.  I no longer see any of my Hue lights or smart plugs.

    I sincerely doubt you losing HUE etc has anything to do with the bridge driver. The structure shouldn't even ALLOW the driver to influence your Home app directly to begin with.

  6. 50 minutes ago, knowitall said:

     I like my roku better

    So much better...

    FYI the old IP driver was updated to allow IR control, within a week of release, to allow a relatively easy move.

    It's a mess true, but look to the right agent that instigated the changes required.


    AFAIK the IP driver wasn't EV though, that was the iTunes driver (that also allowed IP control over ATV) - it was never marketed as a driver for ATV I believe.

    53 minutes ago, knowitall said:

    IR is easy. It’s 6 buttons,

    Actually, ATV remote is 6-buttons, the IR drivers actually have more control options that the original remote

  7. 8 hours ago, RyanE said:

    Not necessarily...

    On EA-series controllers, you can dynamically change the null modem setting on the 3.5" serial ports.

    Once the serial port is connected (bound) in ComposerPro, the option to change them to null modem is enabled on the Properties page of the controller driver.


    Not to mention that it depends on what you're connecting to. A lot of devices actually require straight through connection (in other words the device connections already flip rx and tx, so the CABLE needs to NOT cross).


  8. Yes the V3 allows for exactly that, regardless of what amp you have behind it.

    The V2 would require you to have a controlled amplifier behind it (to do it 'right', 25 steps just doesn't work very nicely). And generally, a controlled amp would be quite a bit more expensive.

  9. 3 hours ago, zaphod said:

    Apparently the use Zigbee as well.  It would be great if C4 could control them directly.

    C4 still uses it's own stack, and I doubt the blinds are directly compatible.


    7 hours ago, ILoveC4 said:

    Google Assistant support, so there's at least an API

    One does not equal the other, if IKEA developed (or had it developed) their own smart skill, there may be no available API at all.



    Adding the blinds to the Tradfri gateway is frustrating. As I said with the review of Ikea’s little Sonos remote control, the overall experience is plagued by dropped connections, failed pairings, and resets. It eventually works, but getting all the pieces to fall into place requires the patience of a saint.


    That doesn't sound promising for long term reliability either.

    Sounds like Platunim HD all over. I wouldn't touch these with a 10-foot pole as a dealer as long as that remains true. And no, not 'just' integrating them either - the Control4 system just ALWAYS gets the blame when these sorts of things fail, and I've dealt with enough of that with Platinum bridges and early powerview as well. Any integration would come with some MAJOR disclaimers.

  10. Any lock that directly integrates into C4 is viewable here:



    Note that these lock use a SPECIFIC module for Control4. The 'standard' smart lock come with a zigbee module that is NOT compatible with Control4 (if not a z-wave module). Yale actually sells the module (through C4) sepreately, unlike the others, though at the price of the module, you may as well just buy the lock direct froma  dealer anyway.


    And no, AFAIK NEST compatible will not work with C4.


    Note that there are alternate options of integrating a lock, others are likely to chime in with the details ;)


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