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Posts posted by Cyknight

  1. 3 hours ago, CTO said:

     Loud too.  So then I have to go to each zone hit listen select a device then hit volume then it goes down the turn off and it’s all good until next time I reset the matrix.

    AH! Well that's poor setup, so you have the LEAF directly connected to the Triad Amp. Not ideal, in no small part for that reason - it doesn't do audio enpoint, which is the root cause of the issue.

  2. Just FYI, the dimmer version not working well with (low wattage) LEDs is a fairly well known issue - the outlet dimmers are an older generation and have a fairly high threshold for minimum wattage, or the 'bleed' the dimmer has is enough to light the LEDs (all dimmers 'bleed', that's expected as such, but more modern options have a much lower threashold - ie C4's old line of regualr dimmers vs the new one is I think something like a 90% difference between their minimum wattage, the outlet versions however have never been updated)

  3. 1 hour ago, Waring192 said:

    Haha, no thank you for your feedback.

    I have a T3 tabletop 7” and looking to get a in wall one also so the lack of app use isn’t a problem really. It would be if it was stuck like that forever as I would like to use my iPhone etc in the future.

    I read about problems digital and analog echoing and was advised to go analog only. This would mean getting two HC800’s to get min 5 analog outputs but they are so cheap it’s worth it I think. Even if I managed to get hold of the EA5 I bought I would be stuck with just 4 analog outputs with one HC800.

    There were some issues using coax and stereo on 800 in the past, but I think those were resolved - it's never been an issue for me with the EA series though.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Amr said:

    No sir, I mean the entire navigation with the apps, folders, transitions, Menus, App look and feel the entire TvOS experience is much better and is so polished

    Fair enough - so it's opinion.

    Just to poke the bear a bit - ATV isn't a BMW, Roku vs ATV is more like ... Honda vs Toyota 😉

    I can't help but speculate if Apple was FORCED to offer the content elsewhere (ie ownership of bought content lawsuits)...or is planning to move out of hardware.

    It feels too unlike apple to allow access to their stuff....but I'll keep myself under the illusion that this is in fact a sign that they've realized cooperation is the better way of doing until proven otherwise.



  5. 6 hours ago, Waring192 said:

    Also, if I’m using it as a slave at a later date is there any point of getting the HC800- B1 over the HC800-B?

    Depends, without the B1 you wont have app access until the HC800 is replaced.


    6 hours ago, Waring192 said:

    Lastly, while using the HC800 As the master until the EA’s arrive, what do I lose in terms of functionality in not having the cheaper B instead of the B1?

    Should read the whole post first shouldn't I? 😉 Just the above, no app control.

  6. The HC800 audio outputs are locked to 'cd quality' and are not high-rez, so any zone using those outputs will technically have lesser audio quality potential, yes.

    Whether that's something you notice depends on a lot of factors though, including the rest of your system, your own ability to hear the difference (let a alone care) and the audio sources you are using to begin with.


    In principal, you can get the system running on an HC800 and do a fairly painless move to the EA5 - absolutely, though if it's a huge project it may run a little less smooth.

  7. 37 minutes ago, therockhr said:

    Why are you 2 doing this?

    I'm nothing more or less than honestly wondering what he means by 'better viewing experience'.

    Is it the interface, is it other apps available, is he experiencing better quality video or audio? Are the apps working better or otherwise different in a significant way on one vs the other?

    As per above - if I'm missing a piece of information, then I'd love to know.



    Coming back with the BMW reference is silly as it doesn't explain WHY it's 'better'.

  8. 2 hours ago, Amr said:

    Why people drive BMW’s while there other cars?

    You tell me, and while you're add it tell me what you mean by a better viewing experience. Does the ATV make for a more comfortable seating arrangement while watching?

    Is it more quiet? Handles better? How does it do those things for you?


    These are simple, honest questions, and making a comparison like you did doesn't any questions, as per above, that's just dodging it.


    Again, AppleTV has a nice interface to select apps....but with a Roku you wouldn't need ANY interface as you'd just go straight to apps.

  9. Ouch. Can you add more music sources to add to the system that way, yes. That said all you'd get is airplay from your phone.

    My usggestion - see if you can't find and HC800 for cheap to slave to the main controller, that'll get you 2 stereo out and a digital out to use with a DAC.


    NOTE that you'll limit your sound quality a bit, though with 5 streams, it won't be by terribly much.

  10. 13 minutes ago, hank31980 said:

    , there is just a Source button, to select which Input to select, so I think the TV is designed this way.

    Just because the TV (and basically all tv's) jsut have a source toggle button doesn't as such mean that there aren't descrete codes, but you may be out of luck.

    As for how you do 'your' - the string of commands gets added direct to a driver, which would be set to use a macro for input switching,. That way the system still fully knows what input it is on etc.


    It's not ideal, but generally works.

  11. 2 hours ago, macosr said:

    Interesting...for posterity sake I figured I would cut the BS and lookup information on the driver at hand from C4 directly. According to C4 the Gen4 AppleTV Driver has a creation date of 4/20/2018...18 months ago. Bottom line...if you're having issues with your AppleTV running tvOS 13.x in your C4 setup you should probably change your driver if you're using the Gen1-3 driver like I did a few months ago.

    I already told you, creation dates in drivers are meaningless. That driver has NOT been out for 18 months, I can't remember for sure but it CANNOT have been out for a year yest as it REQUIRES iOS 12.1 Pretty sure early 2 nd quarter is more accurate, but I'm not sure.

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