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Posts posted by Cyknight

  1. 1 hour ago, ILoveC4 said:

    Yours does that. They’ve all done that since about 2007.


    Might even be longer than that. In fact, I think the % control predates the ability to press and hold which I want to say was introduced with the SR-250 remote, while % control I believe goes back to to the old RZC v2 release

  2. 8 hours ago, Jayaredoubleu said:

    The biggest thing I honestly want more than anything, is an ability to install my own drivers. 

    Yes we get that. That would also be the biggest argument against allowing it if the intend is to be a dealer only model (regardless of anyone's opinion on if that it the right approach or not).


    In the end of it all, this thread is one that pops up every few months. The arguments are always the same. Nope you are bringing nothing new to the table.


    “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”  ~ often accredited to Albert Einstein

  3. 1 hour ago, Dunamivora said:

    then they're not offering service contracts at a level/price that would interest them in providing service

    Or hourly rates.

    Or they are, but people are unwilling to pay.

    2 hours ago, cdepaola said:

    they want nothing to do maintenance or small adds like single dimmers, adding a Roku, etc.

    Understand that I think this is a poor policy.

    In the end that attitude tends to bite them in the rear end.

    Seen it happen.

  4. 4 hours ago, Jayaredoubleu said:

    So is it possible to set up this agreement I would be looking for? Legally, yes. 

    Not really.

    You keep skirting around the fact that there is a legally binding contract between a dealer and Control4 - and you're spun-up 'options' of handing out ComposerPro as payment fall within the parameters of what would allow Control4 to terminate a dealership.

    And yes, they HAVE terminated dealers (including large volume ones) for such infractions.

    So we're back to the idea that what you state you have to offer is likely not going to be worth the risk for a dealer to accept.



  5. 11 hours ago, ERDrPC said:

    Supposedly Google and Amazon are aware and working with the researchers who discovered this major flaw. 

    No, they have stated that they are looking at the research to see if it holds merit.

    This is quite farfetched. Just because you can create a virtual 'sound' by pointing a laser at a microphone does not mean you can trigger commands. Nor does it mean that a lab created environment is in any way usable in real life. Not to mention, the person wanting to do this would need to be able to see the device from a window.

    And modulating a laser frequency isn't exactly something you can do with a laser pointer (the whole use of that device as an example is non-sense as such - it jsut points out you don't need a crazy powerful laser, but you still need to be able to modulate it).


    It's neat science experiment, but this is hardly a concern for safety. Especially as you shouldn't be UNLOCKING (or disarming) anything using voice commands to begin with. You'd already have to be bypassing several security measures yourself to do this as it stands.


    It also comes down to this: even if this is an actual feasible way of breaking into your house...the effort involved is so much more than just kicking in your door. And the scope-out required is more work than learning where your nearest security keypad is, so no, the whole idea of doing it 'silent;y' without raising an alarm doesn't work either.


  6. 2 hours ago, Suresoft said:

    The reality is it functions as it was in 2.10 bar the intercom yet not added to the project hardware list. Not sure if you tried devices after the upgrade? My hardware TW7C0 to ea1

    Due to a back-door connection that is still available. It also will have issues with any new options, or even major updated drivers since 2.10.6 that simply won't work, and the list of those will simply add up.

    Plus, who knows when that back-door will be sealed up.

  7. 1, 2 and 3 - no problem really. Lots of options, there's plenty of threads on blinds, so search for those (instead of repeating all that here)

    Most common options:

    -Hunter Douglas (new Powerview is OK, not great)

    -Lutron (great, reliable but pricey - a true premium product))

    -QMotion (integrate well, current lineup sems reliable, but relatively expensive for the quality)

    -Anything controlled by Somfy RTS motors (lots of options, this is about the motors - several integration options, middle class option with lots of choices out there.


    Note that CONTROL over these is usually wireless, but the blinds themselves can be powered line level


    4 if possible wire a line from fireplace to a controller, wireless options are available and reliable. Any dealer worth the title should be able to do this (barring specific fireplace issues)


    5 Easy unless MyQ  - in which case it's slightly less easy. Again, search the forums for MyQ if that is what you have, if it's not MyQ...this is a no brainer for any dealer


    6 this one gets though, it's MUCH easier to do wireless. Reliable and battery life is a year or more in most cases. And lots of options to set up alerts before batteries run out (usually standard AA batteries, you can change these yourself easily)


    More 6 + 7 - if wired is a must, and for glass doors you're generally looking at Mag-Lock style locks. Possible, but it comes with safety, security and possible code issues (manual override requirements) 'm aware a lot of dealers stay away from these because they don't want to burn themselves with something like this. Not completely unjustified. It can be done, but work through this with a dealer


    8 Commercial grade cams can handle this just fine. Most common options are HikVision, Lilin/Pakedge and Dahua. These climates (same over here) do limit the otherwise rich choices in cameras. Again, a dealer from the region should be able to give you a good option.

    On 10/31/2019 at 11:33 AM, jderks said:

    I also would like it if the cameras could integrate with my Synology SAN for storage so I don't have to rely on an outside provider for storage.

    This isn't impossible, but sometimes it's just easier to use a good old NVR. Local storage, reliable, and easy if you'd prefer this to 'keep to yourself' something you can do yourself (just use the normal PoE switches you have vs the built-in ports to keep C4 integration of the cams optimal)


    On 10/31/2019 at 11:33 AM, jderks said:

    Cisco 2960S

    Not ideal. A great product, but it's a managed switch with smart features. These generally need to be dumbed down, and using them is outside scope for many dealers out there.

    Certainly usable, but don't be surprised if your first contact dealer states it needs to be replaced. May limit your dealer choices.

    On 10/31/2019 at 11:33 AM, jderks said:


    Meh, but if coverage is fine now, it shouldn't be a problem.



    One thing you didn't note is your router. Please just be aware of two things:

    -1) Control4 can be 'picky' on  routers. ISP routers are generally not usable, most consumer grade routers aren't suitable either. With out the right router (and the rest of the networking) a system will NOT perform well. There are still plenty of good options out there (I know I'm repeating myself, but a forum search for routers will get you a good idea).

    -2) Plenty of dealers out there will insist on using their own router of choice. Many aren't the world's best network designers, and just want to go with what they know works. While I understand that many here dislike that argument, there is merit to it - as I already mentioned, networking is VERY important, and if a dealer is comfortable with a product that does a good job...I can't really blame them for sticking to it. Adding unknown variables to a system when viable well known (and well supported) options exist is not ideal - there's always plenty of variables to deal with already (in your case, existing network switches, several more advanced requests, existing wiring...)

  8. 8 minutes ago, jsimon77 said:

    Any update on getting this fixed.  I just transferred my craftsman assure link over to the MyQ app but not sure how to get it working again.  I had been on House Logix Craftsman Assurelink system for the past 4 years and it worked great.

    Any help would be great.

    The houselogix driver is dead.

    Nothing to do about it.

    You can either move to the Cinegration driver and pay for it, or use the option mentioned above that involves soldering yourself, or get the pre-built option mentioned a few posts above, and wire it to relays and add sensors (or use exisitng security sensors).

  9. 2 hours ago, Neo1738 said:

    I would also say a lot of TVs have mics built in for instance most Sony have G Assistant built in. With the new integration that might be a way (in the future if you don't already have Sony) for you to get the microphone integrated neatly. 


    Google Assistant is already integrated.

  10. 18 hours ago, LollerAgent said:


    New driver and bridge here.  

    I have occasionally had one light (out of several in a scene) that doesn't turn off, but it's few and far between.  I really don't want to lose this functionality, so I hope they don't kill it!

    Like I said, it's just a matter of programming a line under a lighting scene to trun on/of a light instead - the function as such isn't lost, just takes some more work to do it. the only thing 'lost' is that you need to use 'set' vs 'ramp'

  11. 32 minutes ago, LollerAgent said:

    For what it's worth.. I do use Hue in advanced lighting scenes (have since 2.10, now on 3.1) and it works just fine.  It's probably not supported, but.. 

    For what it's worth, you may be on the old driver and the old bridge.

    Note that you can add and remove them from lighting scenes just fine, it doesn't stop you form doing it - the bigger issues is with tracking them (especially when you want them off).

    But hey, if it works for you it works - but we've had to change things in several houses so far, including my own.

  12. 19 hours ago, ntlord said:

    that acquired Neeo inventory somehow

    I'm not so sure there WAS any inventory to speak of.

    18 hours ago, LollerAgent said:

    At the end of the day - I'm buying a remote because I want the ease of use that a /good/ remote provides, not another smart phone interface.  If I wanted that, I would pull my phone out of my pocket

    This is exactly my thought.

    MY worry is that people get hyped on a touchscreen remote, it's not going to live up to expectation, and it will cause ill will in short order.


    But as I've said before on this forum, I don't mind being proven wrong. Maybe this thing will be great.

  13. 2 hours ago, ekohn00 said:

    I'm no expert on Bluestacks, but I did notice that my C4 app shows local connection and the 10.x address of my controller. I can also pull up chrome and access 10.x addresses.

    I looked no further, but that seems to show it's capable of accessing the local net.

    Sure it can access the local net - if it couldn't somehow access it, you'd not be able to connect at all. The point is that bluestacks is operating on it's own generated IP address so the app sees it as 'not on the same network' - so it triggers the remote connection setup (which then requires 4Sight).

    The only thing I can think of, is is there is some way to load a VPN app onto bluestack, set it up back to the router and use that....but I've no clue if, or how well, that would work (as I literally just thought of that).

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