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Any components best NOT to buy from control4? IE Amps, Thermostat...


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Wanting to see if there is significant savings or better devices than what control4 makes on any particular items. Like buying say a X-BRAND amp instead of Control4s amp or a Aprileair 8800 thermostat over Control4s thermostat. Obviously somethings like controlers and and software can only be got from Control4, but don't want to lock myself into all their stuff. IE have always heard that Control4s IR emmitters are not the greatest and thir Banana plugs are rediculaulsy overpriced comparied to Monoprice's.

Side note anyone still buy their in-wall touch panels? Just could not justify how much they want for them when one could throw an IPAD or IPOD touch in the wall and have more functionality for the same price or less.

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You will have the best experience if you use the Control4 product. The touchpanels are one of the items I strongly beleive you should have if you are doing a decent sized system. It is comparable to buying a car that only had an ipad for a dashboard. The touchpanel is your control interface that is part of the system.

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I'll second that. I've used the v3 amp, IE panels, tstats, etc. and have nothing but success.

The two products I would caution about are the media player and iPod dock. Do your homework. These products will work for you depending on your needs. But if you're an advanced user for instance, there are other media players on the market like the Dune that bring more to the table.

Edited to add:

Use caution is you're planning on buying used gear from an unknown source. But new if you can.

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I agree for the most part Control4 products are better than any counterpart available. I also agree their are better solutions to the media player. The iPod dock depends on your purpose. If just for your own iTunes music then either a iTunes computer or an AppleTV v1. iPod docks are good for guests iPods to play music in your home.

Amplifier - C4 Amps are great for the majority of homeowners out there. However if you use their matrix switch then you could use different amps. I would only do this if the speakers they own require better amps. In example if you spent $10k plus on your speakers then I would get a better amp for those speakers as it will sound much better. If you have $300 in-ceiling speaker get the control4 amp, it will work better than a cheaper solution plus the C4 amps have parametric equalization.

I personally like the IR emitters. One company I work with likes to use the Xantech designer IR emitters. the problem I have if I am testing or troubleshooting is the Xantech ones I cant tell if they are working unless I turn my phone camera on. Add time to testing and troubleshooting. I have never had problems with the Control4 emitters and the flash to tell me the IR code is getting to the device. Positive Feedback.

Generally speaking get the Control4 Hardware, you will have a better experience, and buy new as they have a 2 year warranty, with advanced replacement via the dealer in the first year.

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I agree with most of the sentiments in the email, except I don't recommend 3rd-party amps.

The big issue with 3rd-party amps is going to be controlability, mainly for volume. If your amp doesn't have discrete volume control (over serial or IP), you may have issues, because the volume control provided by the C4 Matrix switch is less than optimal. It was not designed to be a volume control.

Definitely there are other Media Players out there that I'd recommend over Control4's current offering.

The issue with the IR bugs isn't that Control4's are bad. They used to have 'sticky' issues, where they would fall off, but nowadays, they're pretty good. The reason people use 3rd-party IR bugs is that they don't want to see them, so they'll get 'invisible' ones, instead of the red ones Control4 ships with.

Lastly, you may think you'll save money by embedding an iPad in the wall, you won't. The cost of the dock plus the iPad is going to be more than a Control4 touchpanel, and the drawback is that at that point, it's not a dedicated device. For home automation, many people prefer the dedicated device, even over a device with more capabilities (such as the iPad).

The nice thing is, Control4 *is* modular, and you do ultimately have the option to replace those things within a Control4 system. It's all about choices, and your choices may not be my choices.


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The Control4 Media player is a 2-3 year old player at this point. Much has changed in the media world since then.

It doesn't do *really* high-def stuff, and doesn't support DVD menus.

Other than that, if you stick with media formats it plays, it works fairly well.

I personally have a Dune player.


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Wanting to see if there is significant savings or better devices than what control4 makes on any particular items. Like buying say a X-BRAND amp instead of Control4s amp or a Aprileair 8800 thermostat over Control4s thermostat. Obviously somethings like controlers and and software can only be got from Control4, but don't want to lock myself into all their stuff. IE have always heard that Control4s IR emmitters are not the greatest and thir Banana plugs are rediculaulsy overpriced comparied to Monoprice's.

Side note anyone still buy their in-wall touch panels? Just could not justify how much they want for them when one could throw an IPAD or IPOD touch in the wall and have more functionality for the same price or less.

Things like banana clips and IR buds, those aren't a big deal. The IR buds work fine, and they're included with the controllers, but if I had to buy more I would probably just buy the cheapest one I could...it's a pretty simple device and I can't imagine how some could really differentiate in terms of quality (other than defect rate).

I will echo the others in that the Control4 Amp can't be beat. Also, the Control4 tuner is the best way to go if you need radio. The Control4 touchpanels are great too. I have a bunch of touchpanels, as well as have the Control4 software on two tablets at the house and our cell phones. They Control4 touchpanels get used constantly, with the phones getting used a distant 2nd (in terms of frequency) and the tablets being used even less. It is just so nice to have the GUI up and ready to go, and we use the "hard buttons" on the touchpanels a lot for one press actions such as playlist selection, lighting scenes, good night, etc...

Things I would NOT buy from Control4 is the Media Player, and their "recommended" video matrix switch. The media player is just plain awful, and the a/v matrix is fine, but overpriced IMO. They used to carry the Sony (which didn't switch audio if I recall, only video) and know I think they're partnering with Zektor. Zektor appears to have high quality products, but they come at a premium that I have a hard time justifying.

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C4 is completely overprice. When I started my house with C4 i have their MSRP price list to compare before buying it

here is my price range when I was in the market for C4

Used. (less than 50% of Msrp price when ebay)

hc300 w/ or w/o remote -> $250-$300

dimmers/switches -> $50 - $60

thermostat -> $150 max

7" touchscreen -> $400 max

minitouch screen -> $100 max



It depends on how you bargain with your local C4 dealers, I was able to bargains down to 30% off MSRP price..


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C4 is completely overprice. When I started my house with C4 i have their MSRP price list to compare before buying it

here is my price range when I was in the market for C4

Used. (less than 50% of Msrp price when ebay)

hc300 w/ or w/o remote -> $250-$300

dimmers/switches -> $50 - $60

thermostat -> $150 max

7" touchscreen -> $400 max

minitouch screen -> $100 max



It depends on how you bargain with your local C4 dealers, I was able to bargains down to 30% off MSRP price..


I'm sure I don't need to explain to you what the downsides are with taking the approach this guy is suggesting.

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^ yes, of course you won't have the 2 years warranty.

but let me tell you that, all my used C4 been running flawlessly for 18 months already.

even I did buy a few stated as "For part only" and infact it work when I received it. :)

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^ yes, of course you won't have the 2 years warranty.

but let me tell you that, all my used C4 been running flawlessly for 18 months already.

even I did buy a few stated as "For part only" and infact it work when I received it. :)

I'm glad that works out for you. I'm also glad there are guys like you that will buy old junk on eBay that I don't feel comfortable selling to anyone I know or care about.

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I'll agree about the Ipod dock and Media player. Media player, go with Dune. The IR emitters, we ALWAYS use a tiny drop of hot glue, no matter who makes them. This will guarantee adhesion, and won't marr the finish of the component. I've had success with all of C4's offerings for the most part. I still use a HTC for a spare bedroom and such.

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^ yes' date=' of course you won't have the 2 years warranty.

but let me tell you that, all my used C4 been running flawlessly for 18 months already.

even I did buy a few stated as "For part only" and infact it work when I received it. :)[/quote']

I'm glad that works out for you. I'm also glad there are guys like you that will buy old junk on eBay that I don't feel comfortable selling to anyone I know or care about.

As Dan said it may work out for you but there are several components you would not want to buy used - or at least know what you're getting into:

The V1 and V2 Amps



Look around the forums for the potential problems and you'll see what I mean.

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Everyone seems to have touched on the Matrix Audio Switch vs the Amp but whats the plus for either of these against something like the AVocation MX-0808AD/R an 8X8 switch that does analog AND digital audio plus volume control.

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There's nothing necessarily wrong with using a 3rd-party audio matrix switch and/or a 3rd-party amp, *if* there is a verified Control4 driver for them.

There isn't that much competition to Control4's "Traditional" multi-room audio solution, mainly because dealers don't use them, so they don't get drivers made.

Most dealers don't try new ones because Control4's Switch/Amplifier combination is a pretty good combination for the price, and can't be beat for the ease of integration into a Control4 system.


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Thanks for all the info. That gets me going. As for the used products... Well If you can buy 2 for the same price as one used... Choice is pretty simple. If the products are manufactured well enough to have a 2yr warranty then my bet is they will NOT break if used either.

Which model Dune?

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Dune is a *video* player. I don't think it integrates for audio like Sonos.

The other issue with purchasing used, not all dealers like to service systems where they don't make at least a little profit on the equipment.

It helps them stay in business.


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Funny you should mention the remotes.... I thought real hard about elanG just for the remote! I really like their interface and very similar prices to Control4. Definitly will be using a sr-250 remote and if they made a nice one like elanGs I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Why do most run a dune over say a Windows 7 Media Center PC?

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Why do most run a dune over say a Windows 7 Media Center PC?

Dune has a driver available, and isn't going to change out from under you, the way Microsoft has changed Windows 7 Media Center.

Also, Media Center is more a 'drive with IR' sort of thing, and requires babysitting.

The Dune will just find your media, play it, and works with an IP driver, no fuss, no muss.


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