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Another doorbell question


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Ok, this may have been answered a few times, but I couldn't find anything directly relating.

So my HC 300 c, just happens to be very close to the transformer for my doorbell. It's a standard lighted doorbell with a front and side buttons. Is there a way to connect this transformer with the HC300? I would like to either play an anouncement, or flash the lights etc. the programming part isnt the problem, my question is more to do with the actual wiring.

Any thought are welcome.


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We simply have a doorbell switch that goes into the IO for Control 4 and then I play what ever door bell message/music/chime I want. You can get them free and easy off the internet. Currently we have the Jetsons doorbell that plays throughout the house when pushed.

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Thanks for the replies.

When you say you have a doorbell switch that goes into the IO for control 4, can you please elaborate on wiring? Specifically what wires go where? Off transformer?


No transformer - there is simply the two wires from the doorbell switch that Control 4 senses a short and then when the relay is closed I play a sound.

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