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Own an older home, wish to use control4. That possible?


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My brother has a house with control 4 and I love the setup he has. It's way beyond what I hope to achieve with my own home but I'm hoping to integrate some of the features he had into my own place. His house was wired from the start with home automation in mind. Mine, on the other hand, is an older 1989 home.

I am planning to remodel section by section, starting with the upstairs loft/guest/bathroom area. Most of the remodeling will be cosmetic although some minor electrical work will be done including the installation of recessed lighting and some adjustment/placement of light switches. I had a few questions on the Control 4 setup.

I'd like to ultimately control the house's lighting/temperature and tvs with control 4. I'm not planning to get a whole big server rack with various AV equipment so I'm not sure what my options are on the AV front.

1.) Would getting one of the control units that controls multiple zones, be enough for the house? It's not a huge house so I don't anticipate needing a lot of zone control.

2.) I'd likely have the control unit in the main family room with that tv's AV equipment. Would this allow access for all tv's to view the control 4 interface? Or does each tv need to have a control unit to do so?

3.) Does there need to be special wiring done to handle the control 4 light switches and sockets? I get the impression that since it's all wireless, it's just plug and play? Or would there need to be special wiring done?

4.) One of the things I was planning to have done on the electrical end, was to get a recessed light switch added next to my fan/light switch, to make toggling all of those easier since they'd be in the same spot (not sure why they're so far apart). Since you can program the control 4 light switches, could I circumvent this being done altogether since it can just control multiple lights?

I'm basically just trying to find out if I need to get a control 4 dealer/installer involved in the remodeling process while electrical is being done or if I can have them come by and do installation afterwards. I'm hoping no electrical modification will need to be done. Thanks for all the info!

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yes, your first step should be to find the right integrator for you to help you along with this process. Anyway C4 lighting is 100% retrofitable so you have that going for you. Which is nice.

My house is from 1979 and it has a fair amount of C4 integrated. So the age of your house is not a factor.

Ok now to anwser some other questions

1. A single controller at this time should not be used for more than a single zone, therefore you should get an HC1000v3 plus a HC300 at a min.

2. To get the OSD to each display you will need a matrix switch with the appropriate wiring or a controller at each location.

3. No, but if you may wish to hire an electrician if your not familiar with electrical wiring. It's kinda plug and play depending on what your looking to do, but not really.

4. Yes, programming can make a remotley located switch controlled from somewhere else, however you still need a way to control it such as a keypad.

A perfect example of this is my backyard flood light is on a switch in the back of my garage. I use a 6 button keypad by my sliding door to operate it.

Good luck with your project! You'll love C4 once its installed and up and running.

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Mine, on the other hand, is an older 1989 home.

Wow - 1989 is an "older" home. I consider that almost brand new. I think of my home as being fairly new and most of it dates from the 1950s.

In my world older homes predate drywall - they have slat and plaster walls. And the wiring was likely knob and tube at one time.

I know some folks in the UK that have homes that date to the 15th century - those are older homes.

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  • 5 years later...

My house was built in 1906, and I have plenty of Control4 lighting in here. Granted, that required a fair bit of rewiring (most of the lighting fixtures were still running on knob & tube when I moved in). However, in a house from 1989 you should not have a problem.

As others have suggested, find a good integrator in your area to take a walk through the house and you'll be able to answer some of these questions quickly after that.

EDIT: Just realized this post is from 5.5 years ago and that someone else dug it up :)

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