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JBL Synthesis SDR-38 and LU642D - Only one video source

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Added a JBL Synthesis SDR-38 to replace my Denon AVR x-4400H, Using a LU642D Matrix to control the video sources. I cannot get any video source besides 1 working, currently my blue ray will work but my Roku or Fire TV will not. All worked on the X4400. 


Whichever I first after resetting the LU642 works but not the rest. So if I use the Roku first that will work and nothing else, currently the bluray is working.

Anyone have any ideas? All sources have no issue on any other TV in the house and on the avrx1300 and avrx1400

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2 hours ago, Topfox said:

Sounds like maybe the AVR is not resetting possibly when sources EDID change. If you switch sources to one that doesn’t work, and then power cycle the AVR only does it now work for the new source?


That makes sense but if I power off the avr to standby it doesn't change, same source. Or calibrate the leaf it's the same. If I power cycle the leaf I can get it to swap but then it's on the other. I get no sound at the sources that do not work as well. It's something with the leaf output. I did need to go to a better hdmi to get anything from the leaf at all. 

It's something to do with the leafs output and possible the sensitivity on the synthesis avr. 

Really frustrating as I swapped a ton of hdmi cables to try and get it to work. The new AVR sound is better, enough to notice a difference but the denon just worked. 

Had the same issue with using an optical from the TV it worked once then never again. Solved that with arc through hdmi, but still so annoying. So I can use the Samsung TV feature.  Going to call Harman also but curious if anyone has seen anything like this. 

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The LU1082D I had was finicky with newer equipment. Before I moved on to an AV Pro Edge, I had to erase the calibration and run it not calibrated. I also had to use the EDID Group feature to get all my stuff working. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some update to this, JBL had me install a new firmware and if I leave it uncalibrated at least i get some video. What I may do is just get another Roku dedicate that to the HU and use either the pre amps or an audio extractor to have it pull the sound to my audio matrix so i can get the sound elsewere in the house. This way I can get the higher resolution as well. 

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