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TP-Link Kasa EP25/Chowmain

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I have been running the Chowmain TP-Link drivers for a while and have been running quite well.  We got a new set of EP25 Kasa TP-Link plugs and installed them.  They are unrecognized.  Chow's drivers show them as unknown and are unable to control them (Yes I know very well how to use them, set them up, provision them, etc).

These new EP25s are a different hardware version (v2.6/Firmware 1.0.3) than my other EP25s (1.0.10/Firmware 1.0).  I did a wireshark sniff on them and these are giving security errors.

Looking at the python-kasa software, sure enough, the newer EP25s require authentication.  The user/password happens to be your Kasa or TP-Link creds.  In adding my creds, python-kasa was able to gather info for them the same as my older ones.

The bottom line is Chow's driver is incompatible with newer EP25.  Being a Control4 driver developer, it would not take much time for Chow to integrate Kasa creds in his driver to make this work.  He just needs to add user/password and have a checkbox to state whether creds are required or not.

I haven't seen much discussion on this issue, but I think its going to become more prevalent as TP-Link begins to add authentication to its plugs/switches.

I just wanted to see if others have experienced a similar issue with the newer EP25s as there is currently no solution for this?

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So that is kind of the question...

Kasa has made clear they are moving towards secure comm on their devices.  Firmware in the near future will likely move many of their devices in that direction.  From the Amazon comments, it even looks like the newer EP10 (That Chow supports) v4 has enabled encryption.  So that one may be the first one to go that was listed as one of Chow's supported devices.

Hence the question is, will Alan be supporting the new encryption standards moving forward?  Because if TP-Link keep son this KLAP secure comm initiative, the driver may not be working in the future.  I don't even want to upgrade my firmware on some of my other Kasa devices in fear that this will push them off my Control4.  I posted the source code link above in hopes that Alan and crew can take a look at it and consider converting that to Lua and using it in his driver.

Any input would be gladly appreciated.

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I’ll add my two cents. We have a home full of Kasa switches and use the Chowmain driver. Right now none of the Kasa devices we own require encryption - but to future proof this, yes, please update the driver! It seems an inevitable necessity. 

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