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DS2 Doorstation Email Issue

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My DS2 doorstation has been working fine for 3 years but just recently, about 2 months ago, it  stopped sending snapshot emails.  I doublechecked the SMTP settings and everything looks correct.  I can send test emails via the DS2 web interface, under email settings.  So everything on the DS2 is configured correctly.  However, when I try to use the Send Snapshot Email through the Actions tab in Composer I get this Lua message

------------------------------------------------------------ Action: SEND_EMAIL ------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: ########################################## HELIOS_GET (SEND_EMAIL in ExecuteCommand) ################################################
ERROR: : transfer (GET api/email/send?to=mr.hizzle%40hotmail.com%3B+peytoncm%40outlook.com&subject=Control4+DS2+Door+Station+-+Motion+at+Fro

I've tried different settings on the api/email HTTP Services from Secure(TLS) Basic and None and even Unsecure None but keep getting the above error.  It's not giving me a lot to go by.  Any help is appreciated. 

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I had the same issue (and also lost the stream to NVR) and resolved it only by reversing the driver/firmware back to version 259 (current version is 266).

Its working again but I can no longer see the DS2 camera on the C4 app over anything other than local wifi.....

I had so many issues with driver versions 263 and 266 that I no longer update it.


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