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Hi, I'm a newbie when it comes to control4, love my tech and started my venture into control4 about 18 months ago. I started off with an EA-1 and then got myself a EA-3 and as far as I know my control4 engineer has now deleted the EA-1 off my system so I now have the EA-3 controlling my livingroom. Now my question is, as I now have the EA-3 it's capable of controlling 3 areas now? So I've got the HDMI coming out the EA-3 into my receiver for the livingroom, and that's all good but I want the kitchen to have it's own home screen on the kitchen tv. My question is, what box do I buy for that to happen? Am I right in thinking it's the HC-250-BL? And if I wanted another room to have it's own screen I just purchase another one of them? And then I have used up my 3 room allowance? 

I would ask my control4 engineer but I don't like bugging him and sometimes I don't get a reply anyway.


Any help would be appreciated 


Thanks 😊 

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Ahhh right oh, I'm guessing that's the CA-1? I've seen them but wasn't sure what they was for. I could just use the EA-1 like you say but I just think it's overkill seing as I have the EA-3 already. But I already have the EA-1 I suppose, was just thinking "slim" the system down so to speak 

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I know what you mean mate but in my livingroom I use the remote and just press the control4 home button so we always start with the main screen. If I try and show anyone in my house a different way of doing it then I will have problem after problem 🤣 

So I want the control4 home screen on both tv's 😊 

If I lived on my own, it would be easy ha ha 

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