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BLUM servo-drive

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Hoping someone has experience/success with automating a Blum servo-drive. It’s to open and close a cupboard door for the projector. I can’t find a driver, or any third party way of integrating it. Seems like it’s radio between its remote buttons and the drive itself, so I though about getting something like a fingerbot to press the button, but then need a way of integrating a fingerbot or equivalent to C4.

Any ideas welcome! Surely I’m not the first or only to have this requirement?!

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Sounds promising… I hadn’t thought of that. Was it very difficult? Can you share any further detail? After opening it up, do you think it would be easy enough to hardwire a power supply to replace the battery too?

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Ya it is pretty easy. Just take a wire and find teh leads that go to the button (think there are 4) then. connect two leads together till the motor moves. Then solder your wires to that to a relay on the controller.  Ya, havent got to the power supply to replace the battery yet, but pretty sure it is a 3v battery. 


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