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Spotify Issues

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Once my phone is connected to Spotify Connect, the metadata displays the information in C4, but it starts to scroll through all the playlists, it shows me control to increase, decrease volume, turn on, turn off, but the music does not play, I already tried it with airplay and it works ,

 any suggestions?

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It works here in Canada.  Maybe the problem is more of an issue with the controller?  Does the light come on the controller showing that it is sending audio to the amp?

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I am in Mexico, everything works correctly airplay, dezzer, pandora, with spotify I make the connection between my phone and spotify connect, on my C4 touchscreen it shows me the metadata and the zone control, but two things happen... 1- it downloads all the playlists even if you only select 1 song from any artist..... 2- you cannot hear what is being played on the speakers and the control only works to turn on and off, volume and fast forward and backward a song

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