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Q: Advanced Lighting Timer (Domosapiens) and motion sensors

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Hopefully a very easy question - does advanced lighting timer driver reset the function timer if a connected motion sensor detects a motion again?

I've got the driver working with NYCE motion sensor. The sensor's stop motion delay is to 1 minute, the senor is NC. The driver is configured to keep light for 5 minutes after motion is detected.

I cannot get this combination to work consistently. I assumed that the driver will turn off light 5 minutes after the last motion is detected not the first.

I thought the following sequence should be working but it does not seem to work every time.

time N: motion is detected, sensor opens, light goes on, motion sensor does not detect further motion for 1 minute

time N+1 min: sensor closes, motion sensor is able to detect motion again but there is no motion yet, light is still on

time N+2 min: motion sensor detects another motion, sensor closes, driver restarts the timer so the light will go off at N+7. Is this correct?

what I see is that light go off at N+5

There are ton of settings and I hope I;ve just set something incorrectly. 





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NYCE motion sensors often do not have a CONTACT_SENSOR connection and require you to use programming to trigger the Advanced Lighting Timer ('When Motion Sensor senses motion -> Activate Contact n').  How are you doing this in your specific setup ?

Also, the best place to start is to set EASY CONFIG to 'Motion Sensor...'  this sets the important properties.  Specifically, 'End Function' should be set to 'Full Duration after Contact is Reversed'.


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29 minutes ago, pbir said:

NYCE motion sensors often do not have a CONTACT_SENSOR connection and require you to use programming to trigger the Advanced Lighting Timer ('When Motion Sensor senses motion -> Activate Contact n').  How are you doing this in your specific setup ?

Also, the best place to start is to set EASY CONFIG to 'Motion Sensor...'  this sets the important properties.  Specifically, 'End Function' should be set to 'Full Duration after Contact is Reversed'.


The CONTACT_SENSOR is there, there is no problem connecting the timer driver and sensor driver. Sensor driver triggers the timer driver's function just fine.

There is no additional programming.

I started with EASY CONFIG and then just changes few parameters.

'End Function' is set to 'Full Duration after Contact is Reversed''

The question is will the driver reset the timer if new motion is detected after 'End Function' is executed?

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The driver should normally restart the timer to its full duration if a new motion is sensed while the timer is already running.

Please open a support ticket on DriverCentral so we can properly investigate this.


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