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Android: Connect Purchase required to log in

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I set up a test controller (EA1 on a week or so ago and registered it via OVCR. Before this morning, I had not logged into it from my phone. Now, when trying to log in (App Version: 323.51.2.14, Phone: Pixel 8), I get forced to the purchase page for Connect. At the time, I was enrolled in the Android beta program for the Control4 for OS3 app, so I unenrolled myself, uninstalled the app, restarted my phone and logged back in. This process, unfortunately, changed nothing aside from removing my home system (EA1 on which had been working fine before uninstalling the app) from the Control4 app. Now both want me to purchase Connect, and the only way to escape the purchase page is to uninstall the app. I was under the impression that Connect was not required until April, but it seems it's required now.

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7 minutes ago, Matt Lowe said:

It is not required until April 23rd for new systems and existing systems will be grandfathered for the time being.

That is supposed to be the case. Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug in the app that will not let me log in without purchasing Connect, so I'm not sure why it isn't fitting here.

See these screenshots for the page that comes up when I try to log into a new system. The only way I've found to escape this page when it comes up is to uninstall the C4 app.




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So Connect isn't required until April only if you're using the old method of registration? I changed the registration on my home project from the old method to OVRC last Friday and logged into it on the same phone just fine after the switch, but now I can only connect to systems registered with the old method without purchasing Connect.

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I did open a ticket with C4 support yesterday but haven't heard anything yet. I was able to verify just now on a legacy-registered system that I am able to connect, so I'll try tonight to see if switching registration methods works to re-allow access. It's looking like Matt is right and that Connect is required for new systems registered with OVRC immediately.

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5 hours ago, Andrew H said:

I did open a ticket with C4 support yesterday but haven't heard anything yet. I was able to verify just now on a legacy-registered system that I am able to connect, so I'll try tonight to see if switching registration methods works to re-allow access. It's looking like Matt is right and that Connect is required for new systems registered with OVRC immediately.

@Andrew H,
Are you a Control4 dealer? If you want to DM me your account info then I can have someone take a look.

This would either be a bug or a misstep in the OvrC registration process. As you were going through the OvrC registration flow their should have been an option for a Connect or 4Sight account, if you chose Connect then you end up where you are now, but if you chose 4Sight then you can complete the customer hand-off without seeing these screens.

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@Andrew H You should have been presented an option in OvrC when you initiated the handoff process that allowed you to choose between "Connect" and "Legacy 4Sight".  Choosing the legacy option will allow the user to not be presented with the Connect enrollment process and allow them to purchase 4Sight (if needed) from the dealer or through the app. My team is working to clarify the wording in OvrC to make that more clear. One additional question, had you mapped your Control4 account to your OvrC account one or more days prior to doing this handoff or was it all done in the same day?

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@Evan Marty - PM for OvrC I don't remember Connect being an option. I remember seeing an option for 4Sight, but I didn't previously have 4Sight, so I didn't check that box. Would not having checked that box have signed me up for Connect by default? The way I read it was more like choosing an add-on and less like opting out of the new system.


20 hours ago, Evan Marty - PM for OvrC said:

One additional question, had you mapped your Control4 account to your OvrC account one or more days prior to doing this handoff or was it all done in the same day?

My accounts were linked more than a day before this handoff.

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