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Zidoo & Control4


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Yeah I tried “Menu” and it just brings up the sidebar for subtitles, audio etc. 

Do you happen to know which driver you’re using? There’s one driver on the C4 drivers page and then there’s a driver on the actual Zidoo page but it’s from 2018. I believe the one my installer chose was the one from the C4 page but not 100% sure. 

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If you send me a PM with your e-mail address, I can e-mail you the latest driver. The one on the Zidoo website is a little older but someone sent me the latest one. I think the one on C4's driver website is even older. 


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22 hours ago, stibone said:

I'm using the Z1000 Pro in my theater room and generally finding it works well with C4 with 2 exceptions. I'm wondering if the Chowmain TCP driver might help. Issue one, I can't longpress on "Ok" on my Halo Touch remote to bring up the expanded menu for media files which allows you to rematch metadata, mark as watched etc. If I press "info" on the remote it just brings up the video info (i.e. resolution, HDR/SDR, etc). Is there a way to program web commands to simulate long pressing "Ok" on the original Zidoo"


The 2nd issue I have is triggering lighting scenes via "Play" on the Halo. Pressing "Play" does not launch a media file, only "Ok" will launch a media file. What I'm having to do is press "Ok" to launch the file and then press "Play" to trigger the lighting. Ideally, I'd want to just press "Play" to both play the media file but also trigger the lighting scene without a 2nd press. Would the TCP driver be able to send a command that would allow "Play" on the Halo to do that? 


Also open to any other creative ways to get around those 2 issues. Thanks! 

Let me see if I can help a bit. Regarding the second issue, with the Chowmain TCP driver, you could program that a "play" command in the room sends an "ok" command. I honestly use "ok" to start movies and have my lighting triggered differently. I have attached the list of IP commands for the Zidoo that can be used with the TCP driver. 

As for the menu you asked about, honestly, I think I have just ended up using the Zidoo remote. But there may be an IP command for that menu in the list. I haven't looked. 

Zidoo IP Protocol.pdf

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/7/2024 at 8:13 AM, BY96 said:

Let me see if I can help a bit. Regarding the second issue, with the Chowmain TCP driver, you could program that a "play" command in the room sends an "ok" command. I honestly use "ok" to start movies and have my lighting triggered differently. I have attached the list of IP commands for the Zidoo that can be used with the TCP driver. 

As for the menu you asked about, honestly, I think I have just ended up using the Zidoo remote. But there may be an IP command for that menu in the list. I haven't looked. 

Zidoo IP Protocol.pdf 74.93 kB · 4 downloads

@BY96 Hey man! So I finally got around to using the Chowmain TCP Driver but I'm having issues getting WOL to work. Spent some time with my integrator and couldn't get it working. When i shut the room off either via the Halo Touch or my keypad, it turns the Zidoo off (light on device goes red) however when I turn the room on the Zidoo does turn not back on. Is there a trick to enabling WOL on the device or in the Composer setup? Appreciate the help! 

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I honestly don't recall if there were any special settings in the Zidoo. I can look tomorrow at some point. However, you could try these directions for setting up WOL on the Zidoo app, and if that works to turn on the player, than the TCP driver should do the same thing. If the app WOL works, and the TCP driver does not, then it must be a setting in the driver 

https://c4i.com.pl/pdf/specyfikacje-katalogi/zidoo-1619-WOL Setup Tutorial.pdf

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I checked the Zidoo settings and don't see anything that needs to be changed for WOL. 

In Composer HE, I just have a command that when the Zidoo turns on, "Send WOL to MAC: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" (the Zidoo's MAC address). There is nothing else that I see that needs to be done. 

Try setting up the Zidoo iOS or Android app and see if that works for WOL. That would be a good test of where the issue lies. 

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3 minutes ago, BY96 said:

I checked the Zidoo settings and don't see anything that needs to be changed for WOL. 

In Composer HE, I just have a command that when the Zidoo turns on, "Send WOL to MAC: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" (the Zidoo's MAC address). There is nothing else that I see that needs to be done. 

Try setting up the Zidoo iOS or Android app and see if that works for WOL. That would be a good test of where the issue lies. 

I tried the app and a WOL GUI from my PC and both were able to wake it. So clearly it’s something in Composer that’s not working. I’ll keep working with my integrator to figure it out. Thanks for the input! 

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/7/2024 at 10:33 PM, TobyG said:

Have you tried using the "Menu" button when the file is highlighted in Home Theater? This works for me on my Z9X. Also the same for the "Play" button, it will instantly play the highlighted video in Home Theater and therefore turn down my programmed lights...

Try pressing the info (i) button on your C4 remote while a movie is highlighted in the "Poster Wall". It worked on my Z10 Pro.

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17 minutes ago, eng.san said:

Try pressing the info (i) button on your C4 remote while a movie is highlighted in the "Poster Wall". It worked on my Z10 Pro.

Yeah I've tried that. What's strange, when i first got C4 installed (maybe a year ago) Info did nothing but bring up the resolution/colorspace. A few months back, pressing info started working and bringing up the additional menu items for Watched, Rematch etc. However, it only works maybe half the time. The other half it does the exact same behaviour as before where it just pulls up the resolution etc. Same behaviour whether I use the C4 App or the Halo remote. 


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