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Orbi Mesh 960 woes and possible fixes

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17 hours ago, Andrew luecke said:

I think Wifi7 is a bit different to Wifi 6 though. Wifi 6 didn't really have many advantages except for high density and speed (at least from my understanding).

Wifi 7 however introduces low latency of less than 5ms, and the tests I've seen seem to confirm low latency (120hz is 8.3ms between frames).

Wifi 6 also only introduced up to 9.6Gbps. Wifi 7 is up to 46gbps, so it might open up new AV applications (Raw Ultra HDMI is 42.6gbps for data). I think because of the advantages, we might see things a bit quicker (in new applications)

That being said, at least for unifi7, they don't implement most of the useful wifi7 features yet

Oh I'm certainly not saying Wifi 7 isn't an improvement in principal (though I should note that mobile wifi7 is maxed at 1/10th of the speed potential, mobile wifi6 was 1/4 of wifi6 potential - also less than what was possible, but the increase for the mobile chip is 'only double, not 4 times the speed).

I'm saying there's little reason to jump into wifi7 right now  if there's no other reason to upgrade anyway. You'll get little (honestly nothing) out of it.

I'd even argue that, wifi 6 now vs wifi 7 now cost wise is a spectacular increase: I know Bill has a large setup, but unless he equals a mid-size corporation in setup, it'll be cheaper to upgrade to wifi6 NOW, and wifi7 once the majority of devices in use can at least take advantage of it.


IF you're upgrading anyway, yes you COULD consider wifi7 vs Wifi6....I personally wouldn't recommend it, as you'd have zero advantage now (barring highly specialized or at least specific setups) and not likely to have any for some time to come.



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  • 1 month later...

I updated my house to EERO 6+ Pro yesterday - I do not have a single thing in my house that supports or can use WIFI 6. BUT - it supports up to 100 contacts PER "router" and the band width is amazing - 

1. ALL my WEMOS connected immediately - (I did not turn on WPA3) and

2. all my LIFX also connected with no issues - 

3. it is amazingly fast and I have not had any hiccups so far.

4. technical support is readily available by phone - a human picks it up and is the person that helps you.






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  • 2 weeks later...

OK - now the "hiccups"

Eero's application allows you to monitor real time what is going on with the wireless.


MY problem is the "busyness" which hovers around 97 percent - when it gets to 100 percent the router re-boots.  I am told that the busyness is outside interference using the same channel - 

My Zigbee is on 15 or high channel and the 2.4 channel is the congested one for me - anyone have any idea to try to reduce the congestion? The re-booting is going to drive me bonkers


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