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Is it worth having the iPhone SW interface?


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That is not the case. You can transfer the license to a different phone.

You just have to 'un-identify' the phone with the driver in Control4, and identify with the new phone.

It does involve a dealer, but you should not have to purchase a new license.


+1 easy fix.

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Correct, I just exchanged iPhones and I all had to do was to call up my dealer, who has access to my system via 4Sight and after a minute or so, he sent me an SMS message telling me to press the authenticate button on the C4 app and I was up and running again with my new iphone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Disclaimer: These are only my views, and I don't speak for the company.

There sure are a lot of opinions about how Control4 should run their own company. :)

Most of you are coming from quite a different perspective than a great majority of end users (or even many dealers) of the system. For dealers, the #1 thing they want to do is to get the system installed, and then have the system 'just work'.

Mini-touches, despite being a bit 'long in the tooth', once they're installed, *for the most part* they just work. Yes, the v.2 mini-touch more so than the v.1. That said, I only have v.1 mini-touches at my house, and they do 'just work'.

Wired touchpanels are solid, and are always *exactly* where you expect when you're looking for one. They're never lost, they're not easily broken since they're in the wall.

I love the SR-250, and use those more than anything else when controlling the system, but a dedicated touchscreen still has a place in Control4's product line, and I suspect will for a long time.

Unfortunately, for you to get to decide those things, *YOU* need to start the company and then you get to make the big decisions. Control4 is run by some extremely smart people. They're well aware of the tradeoffs of the current product offering, and IMHO will continue making the decisions that are best for the company.


Let me preface this comment by stating that I always respect Ryan's opinions on these boards. I have learned a lot form his posts and appreciate his undying defense of C4 - to the point that I suspect he is somehow on the payroll - but who cares about that anyway. Well - on the my rant. Happy Easter.

Scrolling through the boards today looking for references to touch screen eee pc's and came across this. I agree with Ryan's assessment of the mini touch panels but the final statement Ryan makes in this post strikes a nerve! :)

Some of us have started companies - and some of us make big decisions. Some of us are way more dialed in digitally in our businesses than C4 is and have perspectives on customer service that C4 can't even begin to understand or embrace. C4 may be run by "smart" people - but IMHO they were not very smart right from the start. One only has to look at where their company headquarters are - Utah. Nothing against Utah - and they probably chose it because they either love the landscape, have roots there, were living there when they got the idea, blah, blah, blah...

But, it is hard to be a technically progressive digital company with any sort of traction that expects any sort of ROI that is exponential outside of the tech corridors of the east and west coasts. Just being around other companies that are tech savvy and driving the engines of change forces your own companies culture to move forward. Additionally - there are way more creative people available to hire and fire. This is key to moving a company forward.

Their attention to dealer detail - or lack thereof - is appalling. While they may want to control the product - they do not control the message. One only has had to follow their website for the last few years - that was finally "upgraded" last year to know they have very little technical influence outside of their tiny little techie Utah world. The website up unitl last year was embarrassing for a tech company.

Customer feedback and the response by the boots on the ground is the number one driving factor of a successful business.

I predict that C4 will never see exponential growth and universal acceptance in the "Smart Home" control world until Cisco or some other tech company located in Silicon Valley or Northeast US tech corridor buys them and moves the operation to a more collaborative location.

One only has to see how long it took to embrace Zigbee Pro (I presume the reluctance includes the fact that one can buy $25 wireless remote outlets) to realize how controlling they are. They haven't realized realized that volume and a more affordable price point will drive growth. (two controllers, two amps, one audio matrix switch, 35 dimmer light switches, 6 multi button interfaces, 10 wall panels, 6 wireless outlets, home theater with projector and screen that drop down)(I am not a small time customer - but this is not a product the person with a slightly above average income could ever consider)

C4 has never understood marketing and/or how to deliver the message and their response to a dealer that screws the end use you is unapologetic at best.

I have spoken with vendors that have sent products to C4 for review and integration in the C4 line of controllable 3rd party vendors (sprinklers controls to be specific) that have stated that the back/forth process with C4 is abysmal. I don't know if these "smart people" think that creating all the devices they hope to control is going to be the only way to make a lot of cash....but there are many frustrated C4 owners out here that are so disappointed in the lack of devices C4 can interact with.

Anyway - I am happy with C4 products - and I am accepting of what I have - the system have greatly enhanced our lives - but as a whole - I hold nothing out for C4 to ever do something revolutionary in this arena. I think we will all continue to search for "work-arounds".

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First of all, RyanE is on the payroll at Control4. Not that it matters, he is very open and surprisingly unbiased (IMO) on this board, but he is a programmer at C4.

Secondly, you don't think tech comapnies can be successful in Utah? If that's the case you need to do a little research. First example that comes to mind (a Utah startup...started by a neighbor of mine) is Omniture. Omniture is utah startup that any business with a website has heard of (and probably pays every month). After many years of double and triple digit growth (and setting industry standards, inovating the online world with new products) they recently were purchased by Adobe for a cool 1.8 Billion...not bad for a Utah startup.

Want a short list of companies founded and based in Utah that are in the tech industry, service the world, and did over $100,000,000 in biz in 2009?


Myriad Gynetics



Sorenson Media

ARUP Laboratories

Merit Medical



Echelon Biosciences



Sonic Innovations


The list goes on, and on, and on.

Utah is the only state in the country to receive a AAA bond rating, there are hundreds of examples of why Utah is such a smart place to start and grow any business, much less a tech business.

That list is just companies founded and based here. There are dozens of large companies with big facilities here including Verizon, HP, American Express, Comcast, Intel, etc...

If you think someone is an idiot for starting and running a tech business in Utah then you my friend are the idiot.

EDIT to add: Check out www.siliconslopes.com. It is a site that highlights all the booming "Silicon Valley" type business that are here on snowy slopes of Utah.

Second edit: Typo

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Yes, I work for Control4. I haven't tried to hide that or 'fool anyone' on that score. I will defend Control4 because I believe it is a company that is doing good things, and will continue to.

I certainly disagree that you can't start a tech company anywhere other than the coasts and have it be very successful. The fact that Control4 has had no issues continuing to raise venture money (and not just 'Utah' venture money) is a testament to the fact that at least those VCs (some from your favorite parts of the country) think Control4 can be successful, even in Utah...

I also disagree that Control4 took a long time to move to ZigBee Pro. The company took a careful approach, but that was necessary because of the existing base of 'embernet' devices. Control4 had *hundreds of thousands* of lighting control devics in the field when they switched to Pro, and *every one of them* should be able to be updated to Pro. When you're doing that, you tend to make sure you've got it right before jumping in with both feet. Not to mention that during the time of managing that update, Control4 has also managed to put out 2 major software releases, and minor releases as well.

Control4 has over a million ZigBee devices installed over the world, far more than any other company.

Also, as far as sprinkler manufacturers, certainly Control4 would have liked to have been able to work with them earlier, but the fact of the matter is, without a UI for sprinklers (which was not on the roadmap), it's difficult to justify making drivers for the devices. With the upcoming 2.0 interface, pretty much *any* device can have it's own control pages, which makes it much easier to support things like sprinkler manufacturers.

I'm sorry if I offended in any way with my post.


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That is not the case. You can transfer the license to a different phone.

You just have to 'un-identify' the phone with the driver in Control4, and identify with the new phone.

It does involve a dealer, but you should not have to purchase a new license.


RyanE... would this be the same case if you wished to transfer an iPhone license to an iPad instead of continuing to use it for a current iPhone?? I saw that the iPad Navigator License has a slightly different Control4 part number and that is why I was asking.



Thanks in advance

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