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Yale durability

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Besides all the mechanical and firmware issues with Yale locks, I'm not happy at all with durability.  This is the one I finally replaced after putting up with the glitches for years (replacement Yale deadbolts were on backorder with Control4 for probably 3 months).  This one had the dreaded issue where it would not register manual deadbolt changes, so it didn't know if it was locked or unlocked unless it was done programmatically.  My house faces west, so it was getting hammered by the afternoon sun.  Yes, it was about 10 years old, but it looked bad after only a couple of years.  This was after I tried to polish the plastic a few months ago, it was much cloudier before I did that.  The metal didn't fair well either.  Does anybody have any good suggestions for something to regularly maintain these with to prevent this from happening again?  I think car wax might work, but I need to use something that isn't abrasive at all.


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That's not normal, I have 4 of these but the version without the keyhole otherwise identical and I've had them for 6+ years and they look exactly the same as the day I bought them, same color/finish also.  Do you live by the ocean or something as it almost looks like salt or corrosion.

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I have two that are about tens years old also and also receive direct sun a good part of the day. They look just as bad.  The keypad looks like it’s been scratched and the metal looks like its peeling. 

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They had a bad batch of plastics for the keypad a number of years ago.  I have a couple that went that way fairly quickly.

I'd ask Yale if they had some kind of special deal on replacing them, since they were a manufacturing issue, imho.  Worst they could say is 'no'.

I had pretty good success using a headlight polishing kit on the keypad of one of mine, still worked fine.


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2 hours ago, RyanE said:

They had a bad batch of plastics for the keypad a number of years ago.  I have a couple that went that way fairly quickly.

I'd ask Yale if they had some kind of special deal on replacing them, since they were a manufacturing issue, imho.  Worst they could say is 'no'.

I had pretty good success using a headlight polishing kit on the keypad of one of mine, still worked fine.

I appreciate the response Ryan noting that.  I will check with them, even though I already replaced it.  When I complained on the forum many years ago about this, it must not have been a known issue at the time, because of the responses I remember you specifically saying that this wouldn't happen.  Maybe you worded it differently, I actually tried to find the old thread before I posted this and I couldn't.

I thought about trying headlight polishing kit, but I had plastic conditioning products that I used and this was the best I could do with them.

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5 hours ago, 416to305 said:

That's not normal, I have 4 of these but the version without the keyhole otherwise identical and I've had them for 6+ years and they look exactly the same as the day I bought them, same color/finish also.  Do you live by the ocean or something as it almost looks like salt or corrosion.

Nowhere near the ocean.  But as we see from Ryan's response (this admitted manufacturing defect was news to me), it isn't normal.

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5 minutes ago, turls said:

Nowhere near the ocean.  But as we see from Ryan's response (this admitted manufacturing defect was news to me), it isn't normal.

It certainly *shouldn't* be normal.  The one I had it happen on was on my front door, which faces *east*, and gets maybe 2-3 hours of direct sunlight a day.

I also had this happen with a Kwikset touchscreen.

The nice thing about doing the headlight kit on the Yale is that you can remove the touchscreen module completely to do it...


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I have also had a number of bad experiences with my Yale lock and it has been replaced several times for one issue of another in the past. However, mine looks in pretty good shape cosmetically. I have the one you push buttons and it gets Texas sun beating hard on it in the afternoons (west facing as well).  I think I have had mine for at least 10 yrs. 

The latest issue with mine is that the deadbolt does not fully extend. Yale suggested for me to either change the deadbolt or replace the unit as motor may be going bad.  I suspect it is the motor. In fact, I am currently trying to determine if Control 4 has discontinued these locks or not, or what options are now available.

It took me a long time to get thru Customer Service so in case you want to try that be prepared to wait a while!



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So is the consensus then that if the plastic isn't defective, there is no reason to need to do a maintenance schedule of protective coating?  Even with the environmental conditions I described?

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7 minutes ago, turls said:

So is the consensus then that if the plastic isn't defective, there is no reason to need to do a maintenance schedule of protective coating?  Even with the environmental conditions I described?

I've never heard of the need of protective coatings on the touchpanel keypads.


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We've seen this happen - but all were replaced under warranty (we still prefer 'hard buttons regardless - in winter t screens just don't work well here, literally too cold to register).


That said I've applied a liquid screen protector to them with good success (plenty of options, I've always used crystal tech - I'm sure others work but why change when it works) part number CTNANOTECH1

I use that on cracked screens (c4 as well) as well.

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On 5/19/2022 at 6:48 AM, turls said:

Besides all the mechanical and firmware issues with Yale locks, I'm not happy at all with durability.  This is the one I finally replaced after putting up with the glitches for years (replacement Yale deadbolts were on backorder with Control4 for probably 3 months).  This one had the dreaded issue where it would not register manual deadbolt changes, so it didn't know if it was locked or unlocked unless it was done programmatically.  My house faces west, so it was getting hammered by the afternoon sun.  Yes, it was about 10 years old, but it looked bad after only a couple of years.  This was after I tried to polish the plastic a few months ago, it was much cloudier before I did that.  The metal didn't fair well either.  Does anybody have any good suggestions for something to regularly maintain these with to prevent this from happening again?  I think car wax might work, but I need to use something that isn't abrasive at all.


Mine did something similar after a few years of being in direct sunlight.  They replaced it under warranty…

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