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C4-AMP108 swap


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Hello - I've a failed C4-AMP108 and have an option for a cheap replacement (the same model 2nd hand) - just weighing up whether I should go for it or not.  One question , is it just a swapout, rewire and play or will my dealer need to do some programming to  make it work ?


Thanks all !

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If you want to go used you can buy the older C4 amp that is a matrix amp, not a dumb amp - they can be found on ebay for about $500-600 - this is the C4-16AMP3-B. They are older but rock solid. The 108 is newer but has been very unreliable and there are lots of threads here about that amp failing.  You can buy newer stuff like Triad amps Episode amps or other 8 zone amps.  They typically start around $1800 and go up from there.

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