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Zigbee - how to determine a device's Zigbee coordinator



Hi all,

End user here using 2.10.6.

My wired and wireless IP network is solid.  However, I've noticed that my Zigbee network is not resilient when the Zigbee coordinators are rebooted/power cycled.  Some keypads do not respond for hours after a power cycle, leading me to believe that some devices are connected to coordinators a fair distance away.  Perhaps some coordinators were moved around the house after the initial configuration.

There are 5 EA-1s, 2 CA-1s, 1 EA-5 acting as coordinators.  I would like to determine the affinity that a Zigbee device has for a coordinator, and then change the association to be closer to its nearest coordinator, if that makes sense.


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You used to be able to get some of that stuff through ssh  (outside of composer) but alas no longer.  Unplug a controller not running director and see what devices no longer respond in the app is a cumbersome way to do it.  Even if you figure that out you'll need a dealer to re-identify them to the proper Zigbee server anyway so I'd probably just get one involved for the troubleshooting part.  

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