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KNX Driver hanging


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Hi everyone

I have 2 projects that have the exact same issue. Every time the client runs a very large scene on C4, the knx ip interface stops working (no more sending or receiving between knx and control4). The fix is to go to "actions" disconnect, and then connect. One thing i experimented with is that I changed the "KNX Delay" and "KNX Request Status Delay" on composer from 50 and 250 to 200 and 800 respectively. But still the same issue happens. Any thoughts?

We use the MDT IP interface and when this hanging happens the interface is alive and can be connected to via ets. The knx bus is perfectly fine and doesn’t seem to have any issues. As mentioned the fix is a simple disconnect then connect on the driver.

Our network is also very solid and runs without any issues, using ubiquiti 48 port switches. 

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Which KNX Network driver are you using?

From your description, it sounds like you're using the older 'KNX Network' driver, which, although it should work fine, doesn't handle large numbers of devices nearly as well, as it has a *lot* more overhead for each transaction (each KNX read/write).

I'd highly recommend that you use the 'KNX Routing Gateway' driver, which uses the KNX Multicast Routing protocol, instead of the KNX Tunneling protocol.  The protocol is much simpler and cleaner, and the driver has higher throughput, and lower load on the Control4 side of things.

I'd recommend you add the 'KNX Routing Gateway' driver to your project, and read the documentation tab.  It lists all the benefits of using that driver over the older driver.

IMHO, it's worth it, even having to buy a new KNX Net/IP Router.



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We have the same issue with the same MDT KNX IP interfaces. When using KNX push buttons to run Advanced Light Scenes KNX connection corrupts but stays Connected in the status window. We are using "keep alive" automation that sends KNX teleregram from time to time and if no aswer received it reconnects the driver. 

That is more interesting,  when it happens, Control4 still receives KNX telegrams but can`t send nothing to KNX network. So if Light is turned on from KNX side you will see Status changed in the Control4 interface. 

Will be interesting about different interfaces testing. 

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We were able to implement the IP router and change the c4 driver today for both sites. I noticed that c4 actually responds much faster than the IP interface. So far everything works great. Will monitor it though the weekend. Hopefully this is the right way of setting it up and we wont have any outages.

One observation though, The setup does not work unless we put "transmit all" instead of filter on the IP router. Although usually that setting increases traffic and is not recommended for productions system, but this is what I left it at since it only works on that setting.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yes everything has worked perfectly for almost a month now. It seems that the IP interface driver on C4 cannot handle a large amount of traffic (also there could be a limitation from the Ip interface as well). But the IP Router driver is meant for larger deployments with more data back and forth between C4 and the KNX IP Router. From now on we will only use IP Routers regardless of deployment size and I recommend the same for everyone else.

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