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EA-5 vs HC800 Relay

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Hi, thank all of you in advance for an assist.

I have both an EA-5 and HC800 in my living room rack.  The HC800 used to do more than it does now.  Currently, the HC800 only turns on/off the fireplace (Relay 2), turns up the fireplace (Relay 1) and turns down the fireplace (Relay 3).

I am attempting to remove the HC800 completely by moving the fireplace control to the EA-5.  The problem is that the relays in both machines do not work the same.  I have photographed both relay layouts on back to compare.  They are identical.  I used the wiring block of the HC800 and plugged directly to the EA-5.  Then I changed the connections over to the EA-5.

Correct Response from HC800:  On/Off works, fp turns up in increments and turns down in increments

Outcome from EA5: On/Off doesn't work, fp goes all the way up (no increments) and all the way down (no increments) when I hit corresponding buttons. 

Why 2 different outcomes?

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