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Ac in rack room


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I went through two units in the past 3 years in my av closet. They were 9/10k btu units and worked great, just didn’t last more than about 18 months each running continuously. And while not terribly noisy, I could still hear it running, which I didn’t like.

This year I installed two variable speed 8” inline fans. One is inlet and one is outlet. I wrote a macro to control the fan speed with a 1-10v switch. Works fantastic and is very quiet. Each fan draws about 30watts so very economical.

I simply pull/return the air from/to an adjacent room.

Now I have zone controlled heating and cooling in the house which helps to keep the room I am returning the warm air to at a constant temperature.

I am very sorry I did not do this 3 years ago. Would have saved me money in the long run plus some peace and quiet.

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Cool Components has some good products.  Here is a link to the “venting rooms and equipment closets” section.  They have a bunch of “cool” cooling products for all applications.


You can add a variable switch, link below so the hotter it gets, the more air it moves.


I have the VS-HF-PRO up close to the ceiling sucking warm air out and a passive vent around the floor that allows cooler air in.  Simple, cost effective and works for me.

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A top mount rack fan is probably going to be more than you need, unless it is full of amps. I had two AVRs, a power amp (seldom used, tho) and a C4 4-zone matrix amp, two xbox ones, and other streamers in mine and didn't have to have a fan at all. However, it was located in a nook in my office -- walled on 3 sides, open front. There was a lot of open space above it, so that helped, too. 

If you are sealed up in a closet, I'd run 4" duct off your AC to it. Maybe 6" if it's getting hot in there.

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There might be an opportunity to evaluate the heat sources and mitigate some of the heat by making some simple changes. Like mentioned if you have a bunch of amps... if they are on all the time and not working then you have heat for no reason. You could enable their 12v triggers so they aren't on all the time.


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I know this is a little off topic, but only a little :).

What temperature do people run their AV closets at?

In my case, my av closet is completely isolated and insulated so I do not hear cooling fans, server fan, etc.

I currently keep the closet from going over 80 degrees F.

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3 hours ago, Elvis said:

A top mount rack fan is probably going to be more than you need, unless it is full of amps. I had two AVRs, a power amp (seldom used, tho) and a C4 4-zone matrix amp, two xbox ones, and other streamers in mine and didn't have to have a fan at all. However, it was located in a nook in my office -- walled on 3 sides, open front. There was a lot of open space above it, so that helped, too. 

If you are sealed up in a closet, I'd run 4" duct off your AC to it. Maybe 6" if it's getting hot in there.

Just be careful not to add heat to your av closet during the winter seasons.

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