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Getting a single keypad chime every 3 minutes from interlogix concord4 panels

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We’ve been getting a single keypad chime every 3 minutes from our interlogix concord4 panels when the system is disarmed in ready mode. I’ve been researching with our monitoring company but when they reached out to interlogix for support, they indicated a recent Control4 update may have led to this.   Has anyone encountered this and have any additional information? Also wondering if there’s a log I can check to see if any controller or driver updates have been pushed. This started on the morning of 6/1. 
My next step is to disconnect the superbus automation  module to see if I can isolate it to the module/control 4 but thought I’d see if anyone had any information before I go down that path. 

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I am getting the same behavior (tone every 3 mins).  I use Control4 95% of the time to arm/disarm my alarm system, so it isn't a great option for me to disconnect Control4.  We called Interlogix tech support who said a lot of people with Control4 have called reporting the same issue.  I haven't made any changes to the alarm system or Control4 in the past several weeks.  I am running Control4 v3.1.2, SuperBus 2000 RS-232 driver v111, Concord4 Security Panel.

@dzagha A couple days after which upgrade?

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I think mine started overnight from 6/2 to 6/3.  I am running 3.1.2 and you are running 3.1.3.  The driver in Control4 for the alarm connection was last updated in November and I have had it on my system for months, so I doubt that is the issue.  I have Alarm.com for monitoring.  You?  I'm just searching for similarities. 

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What info is the panel providing?  Do any of you have Composer HE?

The issues I usually see and have heard with Concord panels is that it shows a Ground Fault, leading to the beeping.  This is the ground connection between the alarm panel and C4 controller over the RS232 cable.

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I use a different monitoring company.

No events show on the keypad or in the panel event history when this occurs. If the system is in ready status, it’s just the single tone but it reoccurs every 3 mins. If it’s armed, the tone happens once and also asks for code to be entered, then doesn’t happen again. We are also heavy users of arming and disarming via C4 and would rather not disconnect the automation.  I’ve been leaving a less vulnerable zone open when we are disarmed to avoid the beeping. 

So far I’ve tried resync’ing the driver to the controller and rebooting the controller to no avail. I also removed a couple c4 zones that are no longer on the panel, but have never been an issue. Rebooted again, but still have the beep. 

I also use an ip2sl for C4 serial connectivity.  

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I was able to set a debug log on the superbus driver and this seems to be what's happening when the beep occurs: 

Resync flag set. Do a resync now...
TimeDate:SetTimeDate 2020.06.04  14:15:03
Received ACK
OnTimeDateTimer  Not in programming mode yet
TimeDate Retries Exceeded
Received ACK

Every few seconds in ready mode, it throws the below message about the Panel date and system date. Then looks to be hitting an issue with retrying to many times. 

Panel reported date doesn't match system date.  Trigger a Resync...

Attaching a bigger set of the log.  The line "!!!!!!   Zone 3 CLOSED  !!!!!!" is where I closed the open zone and it went to ready mode.


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I enabled logging and confirmed the same messages you are seeing when the beep occurs:

HandleMessage(): FromSerialCommand[SirenSynchronize],    FromSerialData[]
Resync flag set. Do a resync now...
TimeDate:SetTimeDate 2020.06.04  17:15:19
Received ACK
OnTimeDateTimer  Not in programming mode yet
TimeDate Retries Exceeded
Received ACK
HandleMessage(): FromSerialCommand[SirenSetup],    FromSerialData[?]


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So I made 2 changes and have been beepless for the last 30 mins.  Finger crossed that it holds.  

There's a setting in the driver.xml for the superbus driver called <can_set_time>true</can_set_time>.  I updated this to false, updated the driver and rebooted the controller a couple times. This by itself didn't seem to address the issue. 

In the composer driver settings, I updated the partition 1 "default user code" to blank and hit "set".  Not sure why I had a code in there, I use quick arm and enter a code to disarm. 

After that setting change, I have not had any additional beeps. Fingers crossed and hopefully this helps others. 

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Same issue here running 3.1.3. C4 is attempting to set the date and time every few minutes and is causing the annoying beeps. There are times where it stops beeping for hours and other times every minute.

Logs show  "Panel reported date doesn't match system date.  Trigger a Resync..."

I have a the user code set and use that functionality. I'm also running homebridge

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