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Someone tell me how to integrate this?

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We have the attached diagram that we would like to integrate into C4. It is a motorized door that opens and closes, this is the provided controller. What would be the best way to have this operate from a keypad, maybe a dedicated button that if pressed once it opens and if pressed again it closes?


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wire to 2 relays on a controller, if possible use a contact or tilt sensor to monitor status

numeric variable

button press sets the variable +1

if variable = 1
trigger the open relay

if variable = 2
trigger the close relay
set variable = 0

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You would wire the low voltage side into a relay.

You can test it yourself by shorting the contacts too

The relay

NC - close
NO - open

So when the relay is closed the door is closed when the relay is open the door is open

That should work for you

Or you can get the rs232 codes and make a quick driver


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3 minutes ago, brekfastb said:

looks like rs232 might be an option, if you can get strings you can write a driver

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What do you mean by get strings? I haven’t written any drivers before...

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There are drivers for 1, 2, and 3 relay gate / doors that do all the logic for setting up control of something like this.

Have your installer search for 'door' type 'experience button', should be 'Relay Door Controller (OS2.9+).



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i would also wire it up to be interlocking as well just in case for some reason you have both directions going at the same time.

This logic is built onto the drivers below.
There are drivers for 1, 2, and 3 relay gate / doors that do all the logic for setting up control of something like this.

Have your installer search for 'door' type 'experience button', should be 'Relay Door Controller (OS2.9+).



This, or the relay blind driver. In this case 2 relay up/down. Not up/down/stop. Bind two relays in your project to the up and down. Bind them to the driver. The drivers take a time measurement from top to bottom as an input and also a max time either relay should be opening, an emergency cut off.


That can then bind to a button. Once of up or down. Twice for stop and three for set to 80% for example. Or two buttons for up and down.


Or as others have said, write a serial driver but if you have the spare relays the above gets you over the integration line quick.


And if you want the lockout feature. That's a third relay. And a different button programming.


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1 hour ago, SMHarman said:

This logic is built onto the drivers below. This, or the relay blind driver. In this case 2 relay up/down. Not up/down/stop. Bind two relays in your project to the up and down. Bind them to the driver. The drivers take a time measurement from top to bottom as an input and also a max time either relay should be opening, an emergency cut off.


That can then bind to a button. Once of up or down. Twice for stop and three for set to 80% for example. Or two buttons for up and down.


Or as others have said, write a serial driver but if you have the spare relays the above gets you over the integration line quick.


And if you want the lockout feature. That's a third relay. And a different button programming.


Ok, so please tell me what we need to do for pre wire. This is a cabinet that will have a motorized door to display a TV. The module pictured above will be in the cabinet with the TV. The C4 controller will be in another room. if I want this just be a button on on of the keypad dimmers, what would I run back to the control room for wire from the module/TV location?

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Ok, so please tell me what we need to do for pre wire. This is a cabinet that will have a motorized door to display a TV. The module pictured above will be in the cabinet with the TV. The C4 controller will be in another room. if I want this just be a button on on of the keypad dimmers, what would I run back to the control room for wire from the module/TV location?

A spare CAT cable will give you enough wires.

Or a three or 5 core low voltage alarm type wire 3 for the relays or 5 if you want the interlock wired.


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