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Looking for voice providers...

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Hi All, I am trying to access the Voice Control portion of customer.control4.com and all I get is a spinner that continues forever with a message that says 'Looking for voice providers...'.  

My 4sight subscription is active, and things are seemingly operating fine within the house.  Anyone have any ideas - or have a secret for getting customer support help with website issues?

I've tried multiple browsers and computers.


Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 11.52.35 AM.png

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Few more points:

  1. I've tried multiple browsers / computers
  2. I have existing voice scenes (already have the driver installed, and am able to modify via composer HE)
  3. To the cert issue, I posted an issue in another thread but when I try to connect to my system remotely via the ios App I receive an error about 'Warning Insecure Connection.  Unable to verify the security certificate presented by your controller.  Disconnecting.'

Within customer.control4.com it shows my 4sight license as active (as best I can tell).

Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 1.25.57 PM.png

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I believe I have solved the issue.  In the event anyone else runs into this, I leverage a pihole on my home network (DNS sinkhole) and after digging into this issue further I noticed that requests for sdk.split.io were being blocked.  Once I whitelisted this site I was able to get the Voice Scenes page to load without issue.  Thanks to all who made suggestions on potential fixes.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for posting this.  I just had the same issue and my dealer and I were chasing our tails trying to solve this problem.  I changed my DNS away from PiHole and it finally solved the problem.  Your suggest on what address to whitelist allowed me to turn it back on.

By the way, I would highly recommend PiHole to anyone and everyone.  I run it in a Docker on my unRAID server.  https://pi-hole.net/

We might have to be aware that if C4 changes the site that they hit from sdk.split.io it might cause us to have to change the whitelist entry.

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It wasn't the DNS on my C4 equipment - it was the DNS on my Win10 PC that I was using to hit the my.control4.com website. 

I don't know what the networks settings are on my C4 controller as I don't think you can see that from Composer HE.  But it is probably set to Google as that controller has a static IP and on most devices when you set a static IP you need to manually specifiy DNS servers.  However, PiHole will act as the DNS server for any DHCP clients.

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19 minutes ago, zaphod said:

It wasn't the DNS on my C4 equipment - it was the DNS on my Win10 PC that I was using to hit the my.control4.com website. 

I don't know what the networks settings are on my C4 controller as I don't think you can see that from Composer HE.  But it is probably set to Google as that controller has a static IP and on most devices when you set a static IP you need to manually specifiy DNS servers.  However, PiHole will act as the DNS server for any DHCP clients.

ah - you are blocking the A/B testing service that control4 uses...i forget the URL

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  • 6 months later...

Looks like it was fls-na.amazon.ca .  It works now that I have whitelisted.  But that looks very location specific since that is an Amazon Canada site, so I am not 100% convinced that is the issue. 

I will try removing it from the whitelist later on to make sure that was the problem and that it wasn't some other short term issue.

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