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Light Ramp Rate Not Working As Desierd


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Hey everybody,


I'm trying to play with some lighting scenes in the house with Composer HE and the ramp rate I am trying to configure is not working as desired. For example I have it when my front door opens -> my living room lights ramp up to 100 over a period of time. What ends up happening is the door opens, the lights immediately go to like 80% and then they seem to ramp up to 100 but slowly. Not the desired 0% ramping to 100% over 5 seconds type of thing.

any idea? thx everybody.

I can forward some screen caps of my settings when I get home tonight if needed.

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Could be a few things.  If there is a cold start value set to 80% the lights would immediately go to 80% for a specified amount of time then dim/fade from there.  Second it could just be a fixture/bulb that doesn't have a big dimming range so even though though it is actually being dimmed from 0-100% there isn't enough of a difference between 10% and 60% to notice it.  Are you sure they are actually jumping to 80% or does it just appear they get pretty bright right away?  Can you dim them down to 20% and they are considerably dimmer? 

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I haven't noticed a cold start value set.

In my initial dealer install I can press and hold the dimmer switch on or off and it will ramp down nice and slow to either 0% or 100% or anything in between.

I can't be certain the value is 80% (haven't looked in composer) but yes they are pretty bright immediately after the action happens.

I'll grab some screen shots later this evening and add them to this topic.

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Please have a look at my script.

I'd rather have it say Ramp to level 100 on the living room Kitchen over 1000 milliseconds (or whatever appropriate time I need).  the problem is the ramp rate doesnt seem to work, it goes straight to full power light. Any idea?

I can press and hold the physical dimmer switch and it gradually ramps up or down as desired, so I know the bulbs at least are capable of dimming.

Not sure what else I'm missing here.


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This programming change from last night didnt act as it should this morning. What happened when I opened the mudroom door after 6am - the kitchen lights turned on...

No reason why they should... the program says only between 10pm and 6am.

I think it's the if less than 50% if statement that is causing them to ignore the Time check... is there a better way to do an else statement?

IF time between 10pm and 6am 

THEN ramp to 100

ELSE IF less than or equal to 50% during 10pm and 6am

THEN ramp to 100.

Sorry, I suck at programming... 

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