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Replace binary 8x8 matrix to ultra HD 4K matrix


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Hello , 

I would appreciate if any body could suggest a replacement to the old binary 8x8 to a ultra HD 4K matrix , 

any cheaper alternatives which can be used with hc800 control 4 system .

I believe you would need to change the balun as well ? 

please advice 

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thank you for your replies , 

any idea about he pricing of these  matrix

do we have any cheap alternatives  . i invested 50 grant 5 years ago now the technology has changed , would like to update somewhat so can watch 4k content via streaming services.

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On 1/15/2020 at 4:33 AM, Brownbatsbreath said:

The cheap alternative is to stick a roku behind each tv and call it a day. 
No baluns, no matrix. 

I’m slowing changing to this.   The Roku driver is perfect and the picture quality is excellent. The only thing holding me back is my wife’s Tivo. Which is in the rack.   Once the Tivo app hits the market for Roku it will be perfect for my setup 

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