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6 minutes ago, Cyknight said:

MY guess closer to $700-1000

The question is if that's sell-able on the larger scale vs a few of them.

My guess on THAT is likely not.

Wishfull thinking i guess but that wouldnt be outside of the realm of other manufacturer's nice touch panel remotes like crestron/savant. I remember when the crestron mtx3 first came out it was $1200 and we put at least 15 in one house

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The Neeo Remote was sold for around £200 - So lets see how much C4 wish to sell them for when they arrive.

Concerning the Touchscreens - We need to see what they can do and how big a upgrade they are from the present Model for the T3 which says Hardware version " HWRev 2"

We have 4 Touchscreens which we find useful. 


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  • 1 month later...

The SR260 is absolutely excellent, and I do want all those buttons. The snazzy new Crestron touch remote looks lovely but it's a pig to use. The non-touch one is very nice, but paying for engraving the buttons is hilarious, plus no charging dock. Not even at extra cost, it just plain doesn't exist.

A design refresh (like we had from SR250 -> SR260, but perhaps a teeny bit more major..) would be nice.

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