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Dry Contact.



Hi all,

Just want to check something. With a dry contact the manual says to use 12+ and Sig for a dry contact (simple open close). I am using those connections and the binding is to the right contact sensor. 

I have done the following:

  1. Tested opening and closing the gate - sensors are perfectly aligned. - Stays closed if I pull the contacts apart stays closed.
  2. Replaced the dry contact - same as above (outcome)
  3. Tested swapping 12+ and SIG incase I got the wiring wrong way round same as point 1 (outcome)
  4. Tested continuity on each wire making sure the wire is not broken somewhere - there is continuity 

It is quite a long run of wire normal thin single core alarm type wire. 


Have I missed something here?

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4 answers to this question

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On what device? Make sure you're not just looking at the print on the block, but also on the controller, so you're not accidentally connected to a relay...

-Test sensor inputs with a piece of local wire that you can just jumper sig to +12v and check reading, then cut wire and see what it says.


You say there's continuity....is there continuity across when the contact is open? Because there shouldn't be....continuity means there's a path for power to go through, if with the contact open or better yet for testing disconnected, there should NOT be a path, meaning there's a short somewhere.


I don't think the wire length is an issue in this scenario, as you keep reading closed - if you're reading open all the time, there could be too much voltage drop.

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Thank you very much for the explanation. So what I did as a test is wired up right next to the EA5 the same contact on 12 and SIG. It worked as expected. 

When I put the block into the EA5 it shows closed and when I pull the block out shows open. So it's "working" on signal break.

Even though the wire is shielded and I am using the other pair as a relay to open and close the gate, there must be a nick somewhere on the wire on its 30m run. 

There is either interference or there is a short somewhere. Fun job figuring this one out now...

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Your distance won't be an issue - I have a beam sensor at the end of about 90mtrs or security cable.

The 12v - Sig works find for me at this distance.

take the wire out of the controller, hook up a LV poser supply and check voltage at the gate end - easy way to see if the wire is ok.


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