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Where is MAX_ON_LEVEL set? Missing in OS3?

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Where is MAX_ON_LEVEL set? 

It’s used in code for a light on a C4 dimmer but I want to do the same for another light.  The device number is the proxy.  The variable isn’t under Device Variables and I can’t find it under system variables.  It works fine on the existing  light.


The original programming was done on OS2 and I’m now on OS3.


is there another way to accomplish the same thing? (When you turn on a light it only turns on to level x%)


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18 hours ago, South Africa C4 user said:

I’ve never used MAX_ON_LEVEL but I suspect that you may be able to achieve what you want using PRESET_LEVEL

I think I can put a work around in using PRESET_LEVEL, but  had issues when i originally used, which is why I used MAX_ON_LEVEL in the first place.

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20 hours ago, Cyknight said:

Hmm, don't see the ability on current gen C4 lighting in older composers either, checking on this...


Thanks.  It’s almost as it’s just hidden in the interface and in the variable list.  It still works, but can’t be updated.

I didn’t think of usuing LUA to dump all the variables associated with the APD/proxy but will look at that tomorrow.

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9 hours ago, Cyknight said:

Note that MAX ON Level is still settable, but the option to PROGRAM it isn't there, but I don't see it on 2.5.3 either (the only other version I can check at this moment.

I passed the question on but still awaiting a reply.

Thanks.  Be interested to see what you hear back.

I didn’t start with C4 until 2.8.1 but am pretty sure I didn’t use that variable in code until 2.10.1 or later.

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