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iPad Control4 App Listen Screen Not Working Correctly

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When using my iPad to navigate the iPad listen screen to select Pandora or other services the screen starts to load and then goes back to to previous page. For example I will go into Pandora, Stations and then touch one of my stations the square box that pops up in the middle of the screen to select play will start to open and then close. If I use the three dots on the right side to open the play menu (square box) it will open and stay open but when I try to close it, it does the same thing. It will close and then reopen. The listen screen works fine on my phone. I have tried login out and then back into my services and erasing and reinstalling the Control4 app. Have you ever seen this behavior? This wasn't happening before 3.0. What can I try to do to fix it? 

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It wasn't up to date. I updated it to 12.4 and deleted and reinstalled the Control4 app and it still does the same thing. I had my sister bring over her iPad so I could put the app on it and it's doing the same thing on her iPad. Since it's doing the same thing on both iPads could it be something in the controller programming? I rebooted the controller but it didn't help.

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yes my iPad / iPhones are up to date and yes deleted app and re-installed and Same issue.  All iPads and iPhones doing the same thing.  It was all working a few weeks ago when I used the app, but I looked and on Jul 20th my devices updated C4 app and now I'm having issues 

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After hearing you have the same issues with your Apple devices and knowing it works fine nativity through the television and on Android devices, I would say it certainly must be an Apple update issue until someone here can verify that their Apple phone or iPad are working properly on the new 12.4 release.

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