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Is there a way to program without being a dealer

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Poll:  Can this community go one month without talking about Dealer vs. Power User or the Intercom App?

The drama always keeps coming back.  Voice your opinions at the directed audience.  Users can call C4 corporate at any time.  Dealers have no way, shape or form, to change the business policies.  Pretty simple to understand.

This drama is going to force people to not come back, myself included.

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2 minutes ago, ntlord said:

Simply put, the system is locked down so that Control4 and its dealers can make more money. So please, let's dispel any myths about Control4 having some altruistic goal to increase the level of support for its end users. It's about the money. It's always about the money. 

Now, perhaps some dealers may feel otherwise. Perhaps, some dealers such as yourself, truly believe it is about providing the best experience to the customer. I think that's naive, but it doesn't really matter. All that matters is what Control4 thinks its dealers think. And if Control4 thinks the dealers would go crazy about opening up the system, regardless of the ultimate reason why that is, it will never open up the system. And that's a shame. Everyone could make more money if the system were open. 

Exactly. If most dealers called Control4 corporate and said “please allow a way for end users to get pro” it would happen by the end of the year. 

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7 minutes ago, ntlord said:

Simply put, the system is locked down so that Control4 and its dealers can make more money. So please, let's dispel any myths about Control4 having some altruistic goal to increase the level of support for its end users. It's about the money. It's always about the money. 


and the problem with a public company trying to make money?  

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13 minutes ago, ntlord said:

Simply put, the system is locked down so that Control4 and its dealers can make more money. So please, let's dispel any myths about Control4 having some altruistic goal to increase the level of support for its end users. It's about the money. It's always about the money. 

Now, perhaps some dealers may feel otherwise. Perhaps, some dealers such as yourself, truly believe it is about providing the best experience to the customer. I think that's naive, but it doesn't really matter. All that matters is what Control4 thinks its dealers think. And if Control4 thinks the dealers would go crazy about opening up the system, regardless of the ultimate reason why that is, it will never open up the system. And that's a shame. Everyone could make more money if the system were open. 

Simply put, your opinion is disproven by fact. 

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2 hours ago, eggzlot said:

and the problem with a public company trying to make money?  

EXACTLY! I hate the evil-corporation trope that everyone buys into without a second thought. Companies don't make money unless you CHOOSE to buy their products. They can't force you (generally) to do that. Providing you with the best user experience provides the most money, as it provides the most sales.

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2 hours ago, lippavisual said:

Poll:  Can this community go one month without talking about Dealer vs. Power User or the Intercom App?

This drama is going to force people to not come back, myself included.

What exactly did you think was going to be in this thread when you clicked on it?

2 hours ago, lippavisual said:

Dealers have no way, shape or form, to change the business policies.  Pretty simple to understand.

If the majority of dealers told Control4 they wanted users to have a way to get Pro they would have the policy changed by the end of the year.

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On 6/7/2018 at 1:13 PM, eggzlot said:

and the problem with a public company trying to make money?  

Not a thing at all. As I've said before, I've come to terms with Control4's dealer-centric system. I bought in fully aware of how it would work. I just don't like when people try to explain Control4's dealer lock in as anything else than propping up its dealers.

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  • 1 year later...

This thread, and the likes, always amuses me.


We are talking about a highly technical home automation control system. In fact, the ultimate, most comprehensive system available. It’s the forefather of all DIY products now marketed, but with a billion percent more automation processing ability. This isn’t Alexa, SmartThings or HomeKit... and it’s not a partial DIY solution where you still need 6 remotes and apps to sit down and set a scene to watch a movie. Get a properly designed and installed C4 system and you’ll understand those others are DIY and they have a million limitations, or that you’ll be opening 8 apps to properly put your home to sleep at night.


My analogy for this is home HVAC. The everyday DIY guy can install a window air conditioner unit, but surely hires a professional to install and maintain his whole home system. The DIY can’t even buy the whole home systems, let alone design, install and maintain one beyond using the thermostat and changing filters.


Shop 3 dealers. Hire a professional. Pay for the right technology with product warranty and real service. You can then use your C4 remotes, apps and OSD to run your “professionally designed and installed” whole home automation system. Then with Composer HE, When/Then and the Alexa integration you can further personalize your system. (Just like you’d change the temperature at the thermostat, switch the system on, go from heat to cool, turn on and off the fans and even damper your vent covers locally). But even then, the DIY will be here asking questions. I do. You need a professional even if you think you can do it here at this forum, you shouldn’t rely solely on it. The best techs on this forum will tell you that they cannot fix everything remotely. I know from experience.


If anything, I’d like to see a way for an end user to add, for example, a switch, plug, bulb etc..: IF - the professional has already added that hub and at least one device - without having to have a service call or remote session. Even if that were a recurring subscription service, like 4Sight. In the meantime, once your up and going, planned and designed properly, you can come here to ask advice, get ideas, troubleshoot and get some remote programming by great guys and gals with incredible skills and very reasonable prices.


There should be a sticky for this topic.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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