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Apparent Mini Touch bug when creating lighting scenes

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Hello All,

I have a fairly small system at home with one HC-300 controller, a couple of mini LCD panels, about 30 dimmers/switches and one Mini Touch v2. I'm on the latest director.

I have recently found on the Mini Touch manual that I'm able to create lighting scenes directly through the MT, without the need of composer, which I don't have, as I'm the end user and did not purchase the home composer

I did in fact managed to create a couple of scenes and the all show-up on the mini LCDs, regaradless of the room I'm at.

But there seems to be a bug when editing a scene. I have a scene called Family, which lights up about 10 loads in my living, home theater and dining rooms. When I go back to the lightng scenes screen, select this scene, select Edit scene, rename it to something else and save it, it doens't show up updated on the rest of the LCDs and if I go back to the same MT, it will show up with the former name as well

Any ideas or known tricks/bugs?

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Using my Mini Touch v2, select Lights, then Light Scenes.

I then create a new Scene vy selecting different loads and save the scene with a new name.

If I then go bacj to Lights -> Light Scenes, select this newly created scene, select Edit Scene and change it's name to something with the symbol "&" and then select save scene, it apparently saves the scene, but if I exit the screen and come back again the scene will not be updated.

If I rename it with something else with no "&" on the name, it then saves it fine...

That's what I have been able to figure out - maybe it's a broader bug than that...

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