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Advanced Lighting Scene


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I was playing with a light scene and I don't know what I did that now the lights don't work as supposed.

It was working under a schedule, I haven't touch the scheduler.  But obviously changed something in the scene.  Problems began when I added the xmas tree to the scene it was doing the opposite, turning off when everything else turns on. I began to change settings on the scene and now its not working at all.

What do you see wrong here???  



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Something's wrong alright.

You're tracking the scene to be 'active' when and load is on (tracking 'any load' at the top, and tracking under each load is set to 'on' - that latter one means you track for the state of the light being 'on', it doesn't meand the tracking feature is on!) - yet you're turning all the lights off.

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so lighting scenes

      you can have multiple lights do certain actions in sequence. and with v2 lights they can have multiple actions.


so the options colors is for if you bind a button to a light scene it will use that to track the state.



         All loads means all loads much meet the tacking requirement

         Any loads would be good if you wanted to track and make sure all the lights are off and if any light was on it would make this scene


Hold rates

       if you tie a scene to a button pressing and holding the button will ramp the scene up or down together if all of the lights are on dimmers, switched loads will not turn off until the scene is off


toggle scene. 

           Setting a scene for a toggle will allow you to have say and on and off scene. really fun programing comes into uses on off and a night light scene all toggling one another,


Current state is if the scene has been activated or if one of the tacking statements changes the state


room visibility allows you to choose which rooms can see the scenes. i have some hidden for like the doorbell and garage that are complete autonomous


programming the light scenes.


Add/remove loads allows you to chose which loads you want to use.


Get light levels gets the lights you have selected current levels. so if you want to set the levels on all the lights first then one touch programs the scene


add action allows you to add multiple commands for v2 lights like for a movie mode bring the lights up first then slowly dim down to movie levels


tacking states 

         is on. if the light load is on

          is off if the load is off

         is at final level     if the load is at the level of its last action

          do not track.

           might be one im missing



      how long until the next level is executed.


 rate how fast you want the light to reach its currently selected level. i like 3 seconds 



           the level you want the light to end up at


scene ramp/fade

               if you have button to the scene and you dont want a light diming with the rest of the lights when using the button or maybe you only want light to dim on the button.


apply to. 

           copy and paste essentially to loads you chose.



flash option is for v2 lights only.

         can be used for security and such will flash the light on and off at your rate until the scene is deactivated.

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