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Limiting Standby Power


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I'm considering implementing some wireless outlet switches to try to limit my standby power use. I'm curious if anyone else has done this and if they have any tips especially with C4 integration. For example, my family room TV, cable and streaming device setup should I not have the standby power on these shut down during normal use hours? I'm already on a 7 second delay there so not really wanting to slow it down much more.

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Put something on to measure how much use in standby to see if your experiment is worth it.

My entire rack. Hc800 / Tivo / time adaptor / bd / roku / popbox / avr /4 zone matrix amp / speakerpoint / nas / backup nas / 2 USB drive / router / switch / wap and likely more I forget

uses 1.7a on standby and with the avr on playing a movie from the nas and music in the other 5 locations loud enough to get the fans moving on the amp I can get that to 2.6A.

Likely your plan is not worth it.

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