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Weird programming on dimmer


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Somehow the dimmer in my downstairs bathroom has some programming on it. When I turn the light off it executes a macro that I have on a button on my family room keypad. I checked every option under programming for the dimmer and there is no programming listed under any option (press, double tab etc.) The box is not checked to use the dimmer as a 2 button keypad either. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

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Does the dimmer turn on a light or an advanced lighting scene? If the latter, I guess it is possible that the macro is linked to the advanced lighting scene being activated... if the former then it could be linked to the light being turned on.  Both unlikely though.

Try turning the light or scene on via the app and see if the macro runs then also... that will narrow the options down.

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13 minutes ago, Shardik said:

I turned the light off throug the app and it still did it. It appears it is activating my morning scene per the app.

Sounds like the offending line of code is under the when light turns off event rather than when Button pushed event... that's certainly where I'd look... Other possibility remains that it is under an advanced lighting scene (on activation event) but unlikely.

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These are fun, I'm going to guess you have programming under a lighting scene becoming active (vs being invoked). That lighting scene is tracked, either with ANY load setting, or, by a chance ALL and the one light is the only one not yet at the set state.

So, that light turning off is setting the lighting scene to active (or inactive for that matter) , which in turn is triggering the programming.

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Aha I think you are right. I remember trying to figure out why both options were there it makes total sense now. Will try that when I get home. It wasn't doing it before I left and it would make sense that perhaps another load setting was keeping the scene from becoming active. 

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So to be clear for all readers - there are TWO options to program on a scene (well three if you include inactive),


-WHEN it becomes ACTIVE: This will trigger ANY time the scene becomes active, and for a tracked scene that means there may be a lot of ways that can happen.

For example, if you have something programmed on the 'all lights off' becoming active - for the example to turn all a/v off as well. Now, imagine a sunny day where you have no lights on, and you decide to watch a movie in your theatre. You turn a light on, causing all off to become inactive. Sit down, select your movie - which then causes the lights to turn off via programming. Now you start a movie, only to have your theatre to turn off right away!

WHEN it is invoked: This will trigger ONLY when that scene is actively selected via programming or a user - ie 'on button press activate scene' or selecting the scene from a touchscreen

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I agree with  Cy, if the problem is not a line of code in the event "when the light turns on" then it will probably be in a "when a lighting scene becomes active" event or even "when a lighting scene becomes inactive". What you describe will not be under a "when lighting scene is invoked" event.

You say that the problem is that a macro is run that should not... If you cannot find the problem, a possible solution to the problem would be as follows:

1. Create a new macro (different name).

2. Copy all the code from the old macro to the new macro.

3. Delete the old macro.

4. Check that the problem has gone away... if not, then it is not running that macro and your problem is something else! Restore project!

5. Program such that your new macro activates wherever you had the old macro being called. Maybe test things along the way.

6. Test again.  If the problem was gone under step 4 and is back under step 6 then one of the code lines you add under step 5 is the problem - should be easy to figure out from there...

7. All done!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On October 27, 2016 at 4:14 PM, Cyknight said:


These are fun, I'm going to guess you have programming under a lighting scene becoming active (vs being invoked). That lighting scene is tracked, either with ANY load setting, or, by a chance ALL and the one light is the only one not yet at the set state.

So, that light turning off is setting the lighting scene to active (or inactive for that matter) , which in turn is triggering the programming.

This was exactly the problem, Thanks!

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17 hours ago, Shardik said:

This was exactly the problem, Thanks!

You're welcome. Believe me this is one from experience dealing with this situation - client went programming stuff, initially took me almost a day to figure it out (most of which based on recreating the situation to begin with in a consistent manner)

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